Saturday, December 30, 2006


Pictured here is auntie's flat-fold. She really loved it, thought it was so pretty. I was completely amazed that I finished three gifts in two days. Here are the other things I set out to finish this month:
  1. Finish the damn bag Woo hoo! It's off my plate. And, you'll notice, I did not knit a single Christmas gift this year--I think I've learned a lesson.
  2. Dolly Mama Freebie Poodle--I need it for a 2/15 birthday
  3. Dolly Mama Kitty I started it--It's due 1/21 for a birthday
  4. Keep up with that marquoir I've completed part 1. I love working on this!
  5. Bead Toy Gatherer --nyet
  6. If I receive my RR, send that out by December 31 at the latest--I had such a difficult time with this. Oh sure, it looks like a simple pattern, but apparently I can't follow a color code. I will send it out soon.

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