Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I ran around at lunch yesterday and managed to find some things to wear. In the evening, I alternated between unpacking the boxes in the bedroom (mostly clothes) and working on the Christmas cards. This morning, I couldn't find my brown shoes. I opened up a bag and found the purple sweater I was looking for yesterday. Of course.

finish Christmas letter
create return address labels
address cards
mail cards
wrap Christmas presents
find something to wear for Christmas eve party
find something to wear for Christmas day
pack for trip to frozen north
unpack boxes

As to Carol's comment yesterday, there's plenty to go around! We can discuss the exchange later.


Anonymous said...

I gave up hand addressing 100+ cards many years ago. I store all the addresses in an Excel file and use it to generate mailing labels in Word. Making sure the Excel file is up-to-date once a year is the biggest challenge. Otherwise, it saves me a lot of time and allows me to handwrite a quick note in our cards.

Anna van Schurman said...

I usually do that. But we don't have a printer this year. I'm not sure I can get away with it at work.