That's 1,985 posts. And 196,272 page views. With well over 10,000 comments
The ninth anniversary is pottery and willow. (Modern: leather) It certainly seems I should redirect you to the list of patterns featuring willows in that case.
A few representative posts from the last nine years:
2012: I've loved bringing my grandmother's special brand of...let's call it humor to you. Here's the lexicon I made for her 90th birthday.
2011: A report from Old Lady Stitching.
2010: Another ninth anniversary.
2009: Because I am really at my best when I am "being negative."
2008: It's an annual tradition, but I just chose this JCS Ornament Issue review.
2007: In August of this year, I participated in Bella Dia's Encyclopedia of Me. Here's G.
2006: It only took three years to explain the name of my blog.
2005: Knit Lit, on the emotional value of craft
2004: Rehab, because we're all a little bit addicted
2003: The first time I used the phrase, "I haven't blogged in so long."
And I got the best present! Lelia (Stitches of Life) sent me her Award-Winning pumpkin set!
Let me tell you the judges got this right. Not only is the stitching beautiful but the finishing is masterly! The fob's been attached to some Gingher scissors that match exquisitely. There's also several hefty cuts of fall fabric and a little set of "Just Pins." But wait, there's more: a tatted caterpillar and a butterfly. Is this woman talented or what? I have an idea for these little tattings she sends me. It will probably take a million years to put into effect. That is just how I roll.
Happy blogiversary! Boy, that's a long time to blog!
You were blogging before blogging was cool! I'm now gonna go back and read some of those posts I may have missed. Happy blog birthday and thanks for all the chuckles!
Happy #9!
Oh, Leather! Whips and chains--it "bloggles" the imagination! Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I really enjoy reading your blog and may you have many, many more years of blogging so I can keep reading.
Wowzers! That is a looooonnngggg time!! Congrats!!
Congratulations! That review of previous posts was nice idea.
Congrats - you've been blogging longer than many people have been married! You understand commitment! I so enjoy your blog had to read the 2008 Christmas ornament review - I LIVE for snarky comments.
Happy Blogaversary. I have re-read some of the posts you listed today and I really like the Dude's sonnet. What a unique and lovely gift.
And do tell us ... from whence ame the nom d'blog??
Happy Blog Anniversary SB! I'm not always great with commenting, but have enjoyed your blog for a long time!
Happy Blogiversary to you! Happy Blogiversary to you! blah blah blah... AND MANY MORE!!!!
Congratulations on such a happy day, Nikki! Blogland wouldn't be the same without you =)
The gift you received is incredible! If I were to win first prize with something I doubt I could bring myself to give it away. Lelia rocks!
Happy Blogaversary!
What wonderful things from Lelia!
Congratulations! You were 1 of the first 3 blogs I started reading regularly, and you're the only one still blogging. Keep up the good work!
Happy Blogaversary!! What a wonderful gift from your dear friend. Here's to another 9... :)
Congratulations. As a statistics junkie, I am very impressed by your second paragraph.
Happy Blogiversary! And congrats on your package from Lelia. It's beautiful!
Happy Blogiversary!!! You're definately one of the pioneers of the stitching blogger community!
Wow - nine years? That is a heck of a long time to blog!! Congratulations. Some of your posts make me smile for an entire day!!
Love the gift that Lelia sent you!! So pretty!
Nine years - that's phenomenal - big congratulations. Isn't it amazing how fast it goes. I just made 6 yrs and surprised myself even getting that far LOL. I'm glad you've stuck around to share with us!
Happy, happy Blog day! You know I love reading your posts and am looking forward to the next nine - Fore!
What a milestone! Congratulations!
Yeah for you! And I'm right behind you on the anniversary thing - 9 years next month.
It's amazing, isn't it? LOL
Congratulations, 9 years. I wonder how long I've been reading you (she ponders). You know my favs are Maggie stories (chocolate martinis)! and your Xmas ornies reviews. Best comment of all time "do the creatures always have to look like Frank?" Re: Mosey + me one year.
Congrats! Your blog was one of the first blogs I had ever read. Always fresh and interesting.
I look forward to your next 9 years!
Glad the gifts made you happy. Enjoy your weekend.
Always, L
Looking forward to another nine years! :)
Congratulations on 9 years and you received some very lovely gifts, enjoy.
And I am glad that I found your enjoyable blog. Nine years is a long time adn a long way from the old rctn.
A long long way from the old rctn. I loved it when it first started out. I'd still be there if it weren't for all the OT posts! This way I get to talk without listening to anyone! ;)
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