Thursday, March 01, 2018

Knotted Necklace

A while back, I took a knotting class. I only made that one necklace, initially, but I saw these knotted bead necklaces with tassels all over and thought, I can make that for a Christmas present. (You remember them from November?) Except for the time part. I got halfway round and stopped.

Well, I finished it tonight.

The beads are hot pink dyed jade with a layer of gold on them. The necklace is continuously knotted (no clasp). I needed a refresher on tying it off. You can find one here.

Well, here it is night one and I'm up past my bedtime blogging. I hope this isn't a long month. 😉


Linda said...

Pretty necklace Nikki.


Unknown said...

Thanks, Linda!

Robin in Virginia said...

Love the necklace! As always, thanks for the links!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Nice necklace. I would be constantly stroking the tassel!