While I stitch, I've been listening to As You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of The Princess Bride. I don't love audiobooks that much (I can't pay attention) but this one is fun. One of my friends recommended specifically that it be listened to since 1) Cary Elwes reads it 2) he does imitations--and well, and 3) a bunch of other people involved in making the movie read their own sidebars. (In the book, they're in shaded boxes, but in the audiobook they're in different voices!) It has been entertaining.

For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?
Back to a DUCJC piece from last year, Greenland Santa.
Delightful design, you made good progress this time finishing the wording and adding the rose
This is the best quote. Love it. Thanks for the tip on the Audio Book
Nice progress Nikki.
What a darling piece this is. And makes a wonderful anniversary sampler.
Sounds very interesting, this audiobook. Now I think I have to go and watch the movie once again ;))
Great progress in your anniversary sampler.
The audiobook sounds fun too.
Terrific choice for an anniversary sampler! And looks good too!
You made good progress on your sampler. Thank you for the audiobook suggestion.
Each year I look forward to reading about your anniversary samplers. Such a romantic idea:-)
I rarely use audiobooks but on your recommendation have noted this title. Thank you.
Your evenings on the sofa sound like fun to me!
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