Needing: More time, of course!
Eating: A wide variety of veg from the farm share. Tonight, Lazy Sunday Afternoon Casserole.
Drinking: Republic of Teas, Get Happy.

Wearing:Gwynnie Bee dresses. I'm working my way to the low end of their sizing. It's nice not to have to buy new clothes as I get smaller. (If you'd like to try a free month, and save me $25, use this link.)

Feeling: Harassed, but you have to say it the way Sister Judith used to, HAIRist. Mostly because there is just so much to do for the Silent Auction and on the job.
Planning: Well, you know.
Making: Lots of lists: Silent auction prizes (and all the documents we need to run the thing), but also Thanksgiving dinner dishes, Christmas presents, all the things to do to have a merry Christmas but I'm afraid I'll forget because ...silent auction.
Watching: Miss Fisher Mysteries. I haven't read the books, although I hope to soon. But I love Phryne Fisher. Her clothes, her shoes, her attitude.
Listening: Bach Harpsichord Concertos, very relaxing on the ride to work.
I LOVE Phryne! Even if the stories weren't interesting, just looking at the production is wonderful and engrossing.
Was going to say that I hope your life will slow down a bit, but that would be dumb.
Mary in MN
Also a Miss Fisher fan - I've just ordered the 3 seasons DVDs. Where would we be without lists?
The name on your candle in the pic conjures up a lovely smell.. enjoy the quiet moments when you can amongst the busy times.
Have to try your Lazy Sunday dish - it sounds SO GOOD. Thank you for sharing. Winter/Fall is full of Lazy Sundays.
Been thinking of giving Miss Fisher a try - she is on my Netflix your short review has helped me decide.
I hope it all comes together swiftly....and thanks for giving me hope for Shining Girls (the one Buekes novel I read, I loved, even though it totally creeped me out). And the show recommendation!
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