The last time I showed it to you (but not the last time I worked on it) was April.
This project is so 90s, at least it feels that way to me with all the careful rows of specialty stitches. Was this sort of sampler bigger back then, or is it just my imagination?
Long day of sitting in presentation after presentation. And jet lag. I think I'm in need of a lie down...
Want to link up to others posting their progress on Wednesdays? Check out Sharon B's Work in Progress Wednesdays at Pintangle.
I still like those patterns even if they are "90's" but, they still aren't teddy bears. Its beautiful.
I think it stands the test of time. House you have a bit of time to get out and enjoy Seattle. It is such a pretty city.
I started a pattern for my MIL oh back in March maybe for her birthday in June. I have not finished it and it's a Halloween theme... yeah. Maybe for Christmas. It's got so many fractional stitches... I'm blaming that. Not my lack of motivation. :) I hope you manage to finish yours by Christmas!
I have several Shepherd's Bush patterns from that era and I love them! Maybe because you couldn't get designs like that here.
This one is really sweet, your MIL will love it I'm sure.
Looks great Nikki. The 90's weren't to bad.
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