I'm up in Maine posting from my phone and have no expectation that I can get this post to look the way I want. I've been meaning to post. Have even taken some photos. But life's been getting in the way.

My mom has a little gallery in her stairs that includes some of my earlier work. Those southwestern cacti went in my parents' family room when it was decorated that way. I started that piece when my dad was in the hospital after rejecting his hip. I started with the saguaro. I started just under the split and worked my way down. One day he asked to see it, "what is it? A toilet?" He asked memorably. I worked on it while the dude and I drove cross country. It is dated 1993.

The sampler I'd started for the dude's friend's wedding. It was taking me quite some time as we were still in graduate school. Before I finished they were divorced. Good thing I'd hadn't figured out how I was putting the names on. I added some hearts and gave it to my mother. It's a little buckled because it hung in the powder/laundry room.
I'm up with the pooch while everyone else sleeps. Probably another beach day today. Cheers!
Maine - the way life should be!
I love Maine! Have a great time!
I so want to be in Maine! Enjoy! Fun sampler collection.
Soak up that beach time for all of us that wish we were there!
Ah, the memory lane of stitching...gotta love it.
Great old stitching. Looks like your having fun. I'm jealous.
When my husband and I got our first house I decorated with southwestern and made those same cacti. I made it into a pillow. I ended up selling it in a yard sale cheap...there was a lot of stitching in that piece!
Would love to visit Maine.
It's hard to believe that 1993 was 20 years ago! Livin' the dream in Maine! It's such a beautiful place; enjoy your time!
Fun to visit your old needlework pieces. Your toes look very comfortable...enjoy the relaxation time!
1993 was the year I started stitching! Love the red sampler and I'm glad it found a good home.
It's nice to see our old projects, it's amazing how many memories are attached to each stitch.
Enjoy your getaway! I'm wishing I had that view today, haha! :D
I started stitching in 1993 too! And how my taste has Changed since!
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