I wish I had fabulous adventures to regale you with, but it's quite the opposite. The dude is off in England having adventures, and I am at home doing crazy things like washing the curtains. I did force myself out of the house on Saturday night. A friend is moving to Chicago, and there was a going away 'do in a neighborhood pub. Unfortunately it was not my neighborhood. I rsvp'd two months ago because I knew the closer the date came the less likely I was going to want to go. And true to form, I left an hour later than I planned. By the time I got there I was in a sweat. I hatehatehate to go places alone. Make it a place I've never been and the anxiety level gets ratcheted up. Anyway, I forced myself to make conversation with strangers, and I behaved myself. At the first opportunity to excuse myself, I did. (And I ended up leaving an hour later than I planned.)

To reward myself, I spent Sunday in my cozies and I watched Pride and Prejudice again. A level of balance has been restored. (Or is that imbalance?) And I dare you to watch P&P (1995, BBC) and not pick up a needle.
This is the piece I have chosen to stitch for my aunt. It's Tis the Season by Blackbird Designs from the book Joyeux Noel. I am stitching it on the called-for 32 Lakeside Linens Pear with the Belle Soie silks. It's delightful to stitch!
Oh you sound just like me! I hate going places alone, I don't like to socialize with strangers, and I'd much rather stay at home and stitch. lol! Good for you for going though. Love your BBD start. I like that design a lot.
Guess I'm a homebody on some level also! Give me a mug and my stitch, I'm good...... Nice start on a beautiful design..
I'm not much for socializing either, and will look for an opportunity to bail if I can. Then again, there's the occasion where we stitched at your house, and that was fun. What was that, like 5 years ago? We should totally do that again.
I know how you feel too. I end up making lame excuses and not going, so well done for actually getting there. I did this BBD for my mum but missed out the words and added more snowflakes so that is could stay on display and not be quite so Christmassy. If your hubby is visiting parents he's less than an hour away - that's sort of odd isn't it? Irene xxx
Watching Pride and Prejudice always makes things better. Love the new start!
Good for you getting out of your comfort zone a bit! Nice start on the new piece.
Another one here who feels the same as you about the socialization. Not surprising really given our solitary hobby (ies).
Great choice for the giftie and good startl.
You sound like me. I don't like to go places alone to socialize. I'd much rather stay home and read or stitch. I love your new start. I've always loved that cardinal.
I am the same way about going somewhere. I think I could actually be one of those people that never leaves their house. Yikes.
I also watched Pride and Prejudice this past Sunday and stitched. A nice relaxing day.
Have a baby, it's a great excuse to never go out anywhere!!
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