Last night, I had to work at making time to get my craft on. (Well, except for the part where I spent the morning stitching with my old ladies at the library. More later.) I spent the afternoon running errands. Then it was dinner time. Then I had to walk the dog...the next thing it was nine o'clock and I was fading fast (oh, wild Friday night!)
Paper crafting is my usual go-to craft when time is a little short but this was no shortcut. I decided on the Flower Pot Pocket. It wouldn't have taken that long except that I spent loads of time choosing paper for the flowers and then changed my mind about the ribbon, and had to spend loads of time choosing paper for the flowers all over again. {Sigh}
Earlier in the day, at Old Lady Stitching--should I call it Library Tea and Stitch since we have some new visitors?--we had a swap. Some people rooted around in their garages and attics and brought yarn and crochet thread and cross-stitch patterns from the last century. I brought in a bunch of yarn project leftovers, a couple of fancy yarns I'm never going to use, and a couple of knitting books. I also brought in eight balls of eyelash yarn but I saved them for Linda because she knits chemo caps (No Hair Day) for a local hospital. It was my intention to knit those but that was three or so years ago. I know she'll get it done. While combing through the
Cute flower pot!
I blame the manufacturers for my craft supply excess. I mean, say I need a few blue beads for a scissor fob. Can I buy exactly how many I need? Nooooo....I'm "forced" to buy either a string or package of many beads, and then of course save the extras in hopes of needing them for another project someday. And when that day cames, the number left will inevitably be too few for the second use, so I'll have to buy more...and so it goes. Until all of our leftover crap is sold in a box lot for a nickel at the estate auction after we've shuffled off. But I'm telling you, even then it will NEVER be completely used up, so in that small way, crafters achieve immortality!
"The last century", I bet that's really ancient history to those teenagers! Imagine, some of them weren't even born in the last century...
Papercraft is fun but doesn't excite me in the same way as stitching does.
Another great craft Nikki. WOW!!!
Time we spent on the card; it's darling! Glad to hear you made at least a small effort to replenish your supplies! Way to help boost the economy!
I love that card! It makes me want to do papercrafts. :)
Only 8 hours a month? I've been doing it wrong with 8 hours a day! (Lol! I only wish!)
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