Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Stitching at the Ford

I don't know how so many days have passed so quickly. Last Friday was stitch night, and I haven't had a chance to tell you about it until now. Well, the story works better when it's illustrated, and I had a hard time taking a photo the past few days because of the weather. Very bright and sunny now. In fact, I am writing this outside while I watch Miss Stella chase birds (she doesn't catch them) and destroy the hedge (good, it needs destroying). The sun is making it difficult to see this glossy screen, let alone type. (Yes, it's a horrible secret that I can't type without watching the letters appear.)

Anyhoodle, as promised, I took the marquoir off to stitch night. People were impressed but also sort of bewildered. When someone mentioned to another stitcher that it was a freebie, the person replied, "Of course it is because who would stitch it?" Exactly the kind of tactless thing I would say so I was not the least offended. I was accused of dressing to match my project, and if people expect that from me in the future, I am going to have to invest in more burnt orange clothes. (You are perhaps surprised I own even one piece of burnt orange clothing?)

I had gotten up from my stitching spot to eat the sticky goodies Molly and Ruth Ellen had brought. Mmmm...sticky goodies... While I was away from the project, someone strolled over to examine it. I watched in horror as she touched it with her hands and then picked it up and rearranged it so she could get a better look. She fucking touched it. What the hell people? I remain, all these days later, gobsmacked. She's lucky she wasn't straight-up smacked. It's not as though I had disappeared and she couldn't ask me to look at it; I was the one wearing burnt orange!

The good news is that I am halfway through section five. I worked on it all weekend (including our holiday Monday). I am trying to decide if I should keep at it until I finish section five or if I should put it away until our next stitching night day (Ruth Ellen decided we should stitch on the occasional Saturday so she can teach us a thing or two. Whether we like it or not.) If I do the former, I could conceivably finish this year. But will I tire of it?

Here's a close-up of section five (encompassing the little wave of flowers, the small alphabet (A-F) and those whacktastic birds. Not to mention the border, which I loathe stitching.):

Gigi and Carinne

Click to see how much I've done since February 2008.

Click here if you would like to see the way some people finished this marquoir.


Danielle said...

I have to agree with you about the touching. I would have been furious! I would never, in a million years, dream of touching another stitcher's piece, unless he/she asked me to or gave permission. Next time you get up, make a point of taking your stitching with you, even if it means rolling it up and putting it in your pocket. Maybe they will get the hint then.

xeyedmary said...

I suppose the person who was surprised that anyone would stitch such a piece as your Marquoir (gorgeous, by the way) was working on a kit of Precious Moments cherubs? Ah well- to each his own. But to fondle someone's project unchaperoned???!!! The noive!
Is it all X-stitch or are there specialty stitches?

doris said...

Nope, no touching. Not mannerly at all.

EvalinaMaria said...

How dare of her, put her sticky fingers on such lovely work. And I mean it, it is a very lovely piece.

Catherine said...

I was beginning to wonder if you were going to write about Friday night!

You so remind me of a friend from college - orange was her color! I wasn't surprised at all about the orange, as I remembered from a previous night at the Ford that you like orange! And yes, now I expect you to always match your pieces!

I missed the comment about the freebie and who would stitch it - but I know I would! I'll be printing this off as soon as I get more printer ink!

Oh, and I completely missed the person handling your piece - I think that I was actually standing next to you at the time indulging in the stickies myself! But I do clearly remember your reaction!

Susan said...

A stitcher did that??? And you didn't give her a piece of your mind?? Must be the jet lag.

Annemarie said...

She TOUCHED it? WTF? I think I would have stopped breathing for a good 15 minutes if the sampler had been mine.
You're making wonderful progress. If I were you (and I'm not so, really why should you listen?) I'd work on the marquoir as long as it gives you real pleasure to work on it. As soon as you start thinking 'Oh no, not that loathsome border again', you should put it away immediately and pick it back up when the feeling has gone. That way, you will finish it with pleasure though maybe not before the end of the year.

Nic said...

I would be unhappy if people touched my stitching, but I'm much more easy going about my knitting - touching is positively encouraged, especially if I've paid an arm and leg for luxurious, squooshable yarn...

If you look at my samplers and my wardrobe, there is considerable overlap, especially in the plum/russet/browns/golds ...

riona said...

I would not be able to match my stitching very often at all, at all. I love to work in autumn colors and earth tones. Back in the self-indulgent 80's I had my personal color-way analyzed: it turns out I am a WINTER and should wear silvers, greys, blues, greens, mauve and rose/red shades with blue undertones. It works, I really do look better in those colors. But I cheat and buy an "accent" piece in my favorite color way every so often.

I think your sampler is elegant and the fool who put her grubby fingers on it should be banned from stitching nights henceforth ... some things just aren't done!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my god! She touched it? And critiqued your marquoir?! What is wrong with people?

Reminds me of Winterthur - both the china and the quilts.

By the way - aren't those comfy shoes of your burnt orange? ; )


Donna said...

Huh. I find it's usually not a stitcher who will touch things. Most stitchers know better and will ask first. I'd be watching this person carefully in the future.

PS Can you make a living correcting people's grammar and spelling on facebook? Curious minds want to know.

Margie said...

Just looking at yours makes me want to pull mine out. I'm half way and haven't even pulled it out of the bag in over two years. It's much to pretty to live in a bag. :-)

I hate the border also and everytime I add a new section I find that I made some sort of error way on the top that I can't take out.

Laura Elizabeth said...

"Of course it is because who would stitch it?"

This confuses me. Had I the skills and the time I would love to work on something like that. Maybe the commenter is as intimidated by that piece as I would be.

A stitcher who touches other peoples work is not a stitcher. Criminal, perhaps, maybe a psycho... hmm... I'd keep an eye on that one!

glamlawlib said...

Nice, I would've stabbed her with my needle. ;)

It's a stunning marquoir!

I've been catching up a lot an enjoying reading way back. Glad your travel to the UK was ok, love the snow analysis, it's funny because it's true. This is the first 5 day week I've worked since before Christmas! Fine by me!

BTW I have your mother's quilt on the wall. I'll try for a post on it next week. Looks good :)

Carolyn NC said...

Good way to lose fingers - just ask my DH.... (long story)
I like the freebie and think it looks great!

Michelle said...

It's beautiful and you've made good progress on it. Are you just using two colors, or will you add a third into the mix? If you can't roll it up and put it in your pocket, I would take a little sign you can leave on it that says "Hands Off!"

Coni said...

1. I bet you look fabulous in burnt orange.

2. Nasty comment = woman of very little brain.

3. "You touch me, I'll kill you." Francis aka Psycho from the movie Stripes, which just happens to be blaring away as I type this.

LOVE the piece, btw. It's lovely! (See how I was able to do that without putting my paws all over it?)

Jenna said...

Yeah, I was waiting for you to post about the touching incident. I mean, really? A fellow stitcher should know better. And to be nasty in her critique about it (which I didn't know about until you blogged about it) just shows that she's jealous that you are tackling such an amazing piece and making great progress with it. Jealous people can be really petty. You'll have to tell me offline who it was, though I think I might be able to guess.

Jenna said...

BTW, thanks for posting the link to the pics of other takes on the sampler. Each one is awesome, just like yours. The pastels on dark brown is quite striking, if you're into that kind of colorway. Of course, I'm partial to the one done in shades of purple, but that's verging on too much purple, even for me.

Sunny said...

I would have been pissed of if someone touched my stitching without permission . She also would have gotten a piece of my mind. I have placed this sampler on my list to complete this year. Haven't started it yet but it is ready to go.

Hugs Sunny

Brigid said...

I was accused of dressing to match my project,
Was it a *period* burnt orange outfit? Did you borrow something from Nicole Kidman?