A long time ago--November to be exact--
Sadie tagged me for the sixth picture in my sixth folder meme. At the time, the only photos I had on my computer were ones I'd already posted here. I told her I'd get back to her when I found my missing thumb drive. Well, I was looking for something in my messenger bag while I was at the Tampa airport. I dug into the pocket for my sunglasses and felt something...could it be? The thumb drive I had given up as lost lost lost? Indeed.
So the sixth file that had photos (the sixth file was all documents) was my family made into South Park characters. One year the dude and I "Southparked" everyone and put the resulting pictures on their Christmas presents. My niece loved matching them. So the sixth photo is my grandmother, the one you've come to know and love. She's got two drinks because she was a bartender...oh that's right, you've read about that.
She hated it. "It makes me look old."
That is great, my husband would love it!
That is such a cool idea. I have a few pics of me with a drink in each hand, but I'm not a bartender!
I think this is very cute and she does not look old. Lots of Love patti xxx
She looks like she might be Kenny's Grandma?
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