"I hope these people stand up when the show starts."
"They won't. They're old."
"I hate going to old people's concerts."
I'd like to point out that we were all younger than Michael Stipe. The dude pointed out that they played a song about the Iran hostage crisis; "what can you girls tell me about that? I thought so." Later they were saying how hot Michael Stipe was and yelling for him to take off his shirt. Um, apparently they didn't know who the old people at the concert were.
Photo from Wikimedia.
Well I must be about 20 years younger than Mick Jagger, although I reckon I must look about 95 years younger...
"Old people's concerts" - sheesh!
Old, schmold. Did you see the episode of "Iconoclasts" on which Mario Batali and Michael Stipe were featured? Pretty fabulous.
I hope you enjoyed the concert! Next time remind the youngesters that REM was ours first! lol
Hysterical! So, did you 'old' people stand up?
For a few years in a row, I went to a concert of Chicago and the Beach Boys. At one particular Chicago concert, my (at the time) Mother-in-Law came with my (at the time) wife and I (we did a lot with her, but that's a story for the therapist) were at the show in the same row as several tween girls. When one of the trombonists started with his "I'm too sexy" stuff, I really didn't know whether to be embarrassed that my MIL was there or that these young girls were seeing it.
Too funny!!!
What an absolute HOOT!
That's hysterical. They're ironic without even knowing it.
Don't you just imagine turning around and smacking people like that? Perhaps I just have a propensity for violence in my head.
That's hilarious. I can't even remember the last concert I went too - guess that makes me really old!!
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