For a while, I was avidly collecting Sandra Cozzolino's perforated paper santa ornaments. I think they are cute. In fact, I corresponded with her to get a complete list of all the kits she had designed. Here it is, my gift to you...
ASTOR PLACE 918 Santa Claus 919 Pere Noel 920 St. Nicholas 921 Sinterklaas 922 Father Christmas 923 Von Klaus 926 Grandfather Frost 927 Black Forest Santa 961 Patriotic Santa 962 Prairie Santa 963 Pioneer Santa 964 Mystical Santa 965 Magical Santa 966 Musical Santa 979 Solar Santa 980 Lunar Santa 981 Terrestrial Santa 982 Arctic Santa 983 Wilderness Santa 984 Nordic Santa 985 Birdhouse Santa 986 Garden Santa 987 Wildlife Santa 988 Feline Santa 989 Canine Santa 990 Equine Santa 997 Baker Santa 998 Tree Trimmer Santa 999 Toy Maker Santa | BUCILLA 9000 Skiing Santa 9001 Hockey Santa 9002 Sledding Santa 9003 Noel Santa 9004 Joy Santa 9005 Peace Santa | JANLYNN 093-323 Bee Keeper Santa 093-324 Greens Keeper Santa 093-325 Game Keeper Santa 093-329 St. Nick 093-330 Kris Kringle 093-331 Santa Claus 093-322 We Believe* 093-327 Deck the Halls* 093-328 Here Comes Santa* |
YARN TREE** Pere Noel - France Sinterklaas - Holland Father Christmas - Ireland Babbo Natale - Italy Santy Nick - Poland Grandfather Frost - Russia Mac Santa - Scotland Papa Navidad - Spain St. Nicholas - Switzerland | MILL HILL MHNS1 Juniper Santa MHNS2 Holly Berry Santa MHNS3 Pine Tree Santa MHNS4 Northern Light Santa MHNS5 Southern Cross Santa MHNS6 Eastern Star Santa MHWS7 Bell Ringer Santa MHWS8 Frosty Santa MHWS9 Holly and Ivy Santa MHMS10 Mandolin Santa MHMS11 Drum Santa MHMS12 French Horn Santa MHAS13 Bluebird Alpine Santa MHAS14 Dove Alpine Santa MHAS15 Cardinal Alpine Santa MHMS16 Mt Ranier Santa MHMS17 Mt McKinley Santa MSMH18 Mt Whitney Santa MHPS18 Snow Drift Santa MHPS19 Ice Cap Santa MHPS20 Glacier Santa |
* Stocking kits which include Santa ornament
**Sandra only designed these for one year. However, Yarn Tree altered some of Sandra's designs and sold them the following years. Series two, three, and four are not by Ms Cozzolino.
Having 5 of these on my Christmas tree and several others in my stash, I am so appreciative of this list! You'd think it would have clicked for me that one person did the majority of them. Duh.
thank you for sharing this list. I only have one - mill hill bell ringer santa & it is a favorite.
I'll have to keep an eye out for more!
I'm so pleased that people are interested in this. I had it in the queue for ages, but I just kept thinking people wouldn't be interested in seeing this. Silly me!
I have been stitching these ornaments for 15 years and was thrilled to see this list. Thank you for posting it. I would love to get in touch with Sandra to tell her how much we love the 65 Santas I have completed and how I love her new designs each year.
I have about 25 of these Santas made so far. I love them. But it was only this year that I thought to put the names of the Santas and now the year completed on the back.I don't remember when I did the earlier ones, and I gave the earlier patterns to a friend so I don't have them. Therefore, I cannot identify 8 of the Santas. Does anyone know if there are pictures of the discontinued ones somewhere? SandysSantas website only has pictures of the ones still commercially available.
Sally, I don't know where you could find such a thing, but I do have a lot of them if you could somehow get photos to me.
Oh, thank you! That would be great. My camera battery is dead --- too many pics of the grandkid LOL --- but I will charge it and take pics of the mystery ones and email them to you.
I would love to see any pictures of finished santas that you have I have just started them and only have 3 done
I have not taken pictures of the ones I have done the last few years. Have to remember to do that when I get them out next Christmas. I have pictures of several of them, however, in my Picasa needlework album
I love doing the ones with the beads.
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