We went to Jim Thorpe, PA. Jim Thorpe, you may have heard, was a Native American athlete who competed in the Olympics (but had made like $5 playing baseball so they took away his medals, but then reinstated them after he died). He also played football. Oklahoma wasn't going to make a big enough deal of him in death for his wife, so she basically sold the body to the highest bidder. Mauch Chunk, PA made a monument to him and changed the name of the town to honor him. Pretty big deal.

The highlight of our trip was The Parsonage, the B&B where we stayed. The food was fantastic! The couple who runs it met in culinary school. The breakfast
s were so unusual--and had courses! On Saturday morning we had baked yogurt with candied ginger and fruit (pitted cherries, nectarines, plums) followed by a frittata with a spicy sauce, little scoops of guacamole and salsa, a rosettes of home cured maple and bourbon bacon. We didn't even think about lunch until three o'clock after we had done a hike! On Sunday, three courses: an apricot rugelach; regular old yogurt with homemade granola and another spectacular fruit salad; and cauliflower bread pudding made with eggs from heritage breed chickens that were freshly delivered by one of the other guests, and a side of ham. There was also a blueberry mimosa. And for dessert, or something, we got a glass of chocolate milk from a local dairy. People, I don't even like bread pudding.
You do not know how much I want to rent the whole joint!
And that description leaves out the art! I think there were 31 paintings in our room alone. And pottery. They are collectors of the highest order.
* Another thing about being really poor? When they were given the mansion, they couldn't afford to do anything with it, so they closed it down for like 40 years, and when they finally found someone to help them run it, it was in pristine old-timey condition.
I just love the randomness of some parts of America's history. That is such a great story about the small town buying itself a claim to fame!
The B&B sounds great too, breakfast with courses is always good.
It sounds like you had a fabulous adventure in a small town. Enjoyed reading the story about Jim Thorpe, PA.
Very interesting, great trip
Glad to see that you're back to blogging! Your Pennsylvania adventures sound like fun. We went to Pittsburgh a couple of years ago and thought it had a lot to offer, although we concentrated on the national historic sites instead of the museums. Coming from the flatlands, we were pleasantly surprised by all the pretty hills!
Jim Thorpe attended the Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, PA. My grandfather delivered newspapers there. Jim Thorpe was a member of the football team at the Indian School and my grandfather said the games were very well attended.
Quirky and fun, off the beaten path smallntown USA.
It sounds like you had a great time! This is close enough to us that I think it might be a fun getaway in the future. Thanks for sharing.
To spend a long weekend in Jim Thorpe is on my bucket list of weekend trips. I checked out the B&B as a possible place to stay. It looks awesome. Thanks for sharing.
It sounds like you had a fabulous adventure in a small town. Enjoyed reading the story about Jim Thorpe, PA.
I was there a few years ago for something... a PCA (Porsche Club of America) trip, I think. I thought it was a quaint little town.
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