People are strange, you know? There is this woman who comes to Cookbook Club with her husband. He doesn't cook, so she usually makes two recipes. (There was a guy who would do the same when his wife came.) But she only ever makes ONE recipe from the chosen cookbook. The other thing she just chooses from her own repertoire, Cook's Illustrated usually. What's the point? She's better than the cookbook? Why even bother with the second recipe? There is a general feeling that two people--mother and child, husband and wife--can bring one recipe and still both eat; so it's not required that she make a second thing.
But the best story from this month's club was the woman who told us she was having a hard day in the kitchen when she made the blondies. One of the three eggs required (and the only three she had) ended up on the kitchen floor. And she used it anyway. "The yolk was in the shell, and that's all I needed." Um, note to self, do not eat what she makes anymore. I mean, she was willing to tell us she used floor-egg in what she served us. Imagine the shit she's not willing to tell us!
Your cookies sound like a chocolate lover's secret fantasy come true!
I'm with you - I wouldn't eat what the floor egg person made either! Your recipe sounds wonderful.
The chocolate cookies you made sounded incredible. Count me in the camp with not eating the floor egg person's cooking.
I'm not always so fond of Alton's recipes after finding out he makes you use eggs in Mac and cheese. Being allergic to eggs, not a good idea.
Your cookies sound scrumptious and I'm joining the don't eat floor egg's cooking camp. I mean, REALLY? I also don't care if recipes are weights or measurements - if it looks like a good recipe, just go for it.
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