I did require the assistance of my man for this craft but that's because the dog is who she is. I used a brayer to spread black (nontoxic) acrylic paint onto the dog's paw. Then we made her stand on a piece of paper. (The trainer was right, that "stand" command came in handy!) I had a soapy bath ready for her paw so that we could wash the paint off immediately (to avoid the dog licking it off). We also chose to do this in the kitchen with tile that could be washed. (I may have done it outside if night hadn't fallen.) Also, dried chicken--her favorite treat--was applied liberally.
I didn't use ink like many others because 1) I only have Stazon which... stays on--not good for my floor or the dog and 2) I don't think Stazon cleaner is nontoxic, even if the ink is. Ultimately the paint comes off with soap and water so it won.
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about this process, because I think this is a super special way to remember your favorite pooch!
Very nice - Stella has a nice paw print!
That's different and the result looks good.
Way to go to the three of you! It looks good!
What a clever idea Nikki. I love it.
This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing.
Bless her! Your dog has more patience than my son.
Love this! Came out great. (Been following along, especially on instagram. Been super bad about commenting on blogs recently.)
Great idea!
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