You can see here, I worked around my mishap by using a different color for Merry Christmas. I like the way it turned out. I also needed to find another color for the seven stitches in that last "E." I used a couple of different colors, and even in the sunlight, I don't think you can tell.
Twenty fifteen
Not my best year for stitching. All told, I had only twelve finishes, and seven of those were smalls. I did great when it came to finish-finishing--but only because I made that my focus in March. I want to stitch more often, and I want to complete more pieces. If you could tell me how to fit 28 hours of life into a 24 hour day, I'd be indebted.
Thanks for following along with my stitching (and gardening and farm share) in 2015!
Congrats on all of the great finishes this year Nikki.
Happy New Year,
That's a really lovely finish to round off what looks like a very successful year to me!
You have done some lovely designs, wish I could catch up on my UFOs
Time is always at a premium, but I think you used your stitchy hours wisely. That's a lovely collection. Have a wonderful 2016!
I love all your pieces! Who is the designer for the Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas? I just love it!!
Happy New Year!
Lovely finishes!
I hear you on needing more hours in the day.
I love your solution for "Merry Little Christmas". Your finishes look great. I will be here cheering you on to getting those WIPs from the unfinished side to the finished side. You can do it!
The Merry Christmas is a great work round, it looks like it was designed that way.
You've got some very nice finishes too, even if some are on the smaller side!
Well, first you need a time machine. And I hear they're pricey and only available on the black market. But if anyone official asks, you didn't hear that from me. :)
Love all the finishes. I think we all need more time, but the important part is that you manage to make time for your stitching. I think you did, so that's good! Happy new Year!
It isn;t about how many finishes you had, but rather how much you enjoyed the creative process and stitching! Happy New Year!
The finishes are lovely and you obviously enjoyed stitching them - that's what counts. Well done all round!
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