Funnily enough, Heather, who runs this SAL, asked, "So, what did you stitch this month? Does your stitching still reflect the warm weather (or cold, depending on where you are)? Have you started stitching for Christmas already?" And my answer to both is yes! This is called "Spring Fresh Mesh" but I think it works for our summery weather (though not as summery--ie 95 degrees with a million percent humidity--as usual). I'm so pleased to have it finished, and I think it might become a Christmas present for someone... Who'll be this lucky?
Very nice finish! Is the little tote already finish finished? It's good when you don't have to do anything else after the stitching part is complete.
Great finish! How was stitching on the mesh? I'm wondering if it was a bit slippery or if there were rough edges that caught the floss.
Congrats on the super cute finish Nikki.
Congratulations on your finish. I've never stitched on mesh. perhaps I should broaden my horizons and stray from linen ??
Pretty colours on such a lovely shade of fabric.
That's a lovely finish - pretty and useful too!
What lovely colours!
Adorable! Did you stitch it with perle cotton or several strands of floss? It looks thick, in any case.
This is really lovely, the colours are gorgeous.
Super cute finish! How did you like working on the mesh and would you do it again?
Robin in Virginia
Pretty! I love the colors.
Wonderful colors.
That's darling! Although I'm sorry to hear you're apparently living inside someone's mouth. Ugh. Thank goodness for air conditioning!
Nice finish. I stitched some little aliens on a mesh pencil case for my son a while back. It's not that easy!
That's really cute. I had never seen a mesh bag to stitch on before.
Sweet little heart design. Congrats on the completion of this beauty! Hope it cools down a bit where you are. I remember that type temperature when I lived in Texas…Ugh! Much nicer here in Vermont. :-D
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