My family has always been big Christmas carol singers, though none of us has the voice for it. We're happy to do it anyway. (For a lot of us who can't carry a tune in a bucket, we happily don't hear ourselves that way.) One Christmas, we were bringing something to my aunt. I can't remember what or why four of us piled into the car to make the trip, but we started singing carols. Then we decided we should seranade my aunt, so we practiced three songs. When we got to her door and started singing, she freaked out. She didn't have anything to give these carolers (was she supposed to give them something, she wondered?) and they sounded too good to be anyone she knew. So we sang to her closed door for all three songs. Finally, we had to ring the doorbell and call out her name before she'd answer!
This is how it looked the last time I worked on it, January 2014.
Fun memories. I sang with friends in grade school one Christmas down the neighborhood street. We probably sounded terrible but we had a great time.
What a lovely piece!
Very nice - I've been singing this all morning since I read your post - on a lovely summer's day!
Maybe you guys should take that show on the road? ;)
I wish we had carolers. I love the romance of it (the same way I love the romance of covered bridges and snowy lanes), although I've never experience that myself. This cross stitch design is darling, and what a great memory to pair with it. Are you hanging it up, or giving it to one of your caroling family members?
Lovely stitching. I enjoyed the memory of carol singers too. In New Zealand those days are long gone I'm afraid.
Nice stitching and a great story too.
I can't sing either and I'm too uncoordinated to join the signing choir either! My son's school has a very active signing choir which most of the older children belong too, they encourage the parents to join in with them at the Christmas concert!
I love this design, and now need to go chart shopping for it. x
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