Where are the pictures? The dude and I aren't really picture takers. There's nothing to see here.
What? No MOMA? Our goal was to see Vermeers. Outside of MOMA's scope. We only ended up at the Guggenheim because we wanted to recreate the scene from The International. Just joking. We'd never seen it and now we never have to go back.
Ribbon nirvana!!!!!! Did you get loads??? Actually, there was a roomful of buttons and walls and walls of trim that was not ribbon. Beads, sequins, feathers. Beside the button that you saw, I only bought a yard of black velvet ribbon, and it's not going to photograph well. It was all a bit overwhelming. Plus the dude was staring at me with those pleading eyes that said, "get me out of here."
A couple of you will notice that I haven't sent the Alaskan bookmark address; it's because I don't have an address for you. Help me, help you.
We went to the Guggenheim this past summer for the same reason -- never been there before, now we have. I enjoyed it, but I doubt I'll go back.
I think this is what you are talking about with the Alaska address. The call for bookmarks? I hope so.
Karen Bente Artic Needle. 4615 E 102nd Ave.
Anchorage Ak. 99507
I did NaBloPo once and it was too stressful! However I was happy to read everyone else's posts, so that's what I'm be doing.
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