Best Pal's birthday is either August 5 or August 12. Another friend from college has the other birthday. It's okay because they get my birthday confused with my other bestie's birthday which is four days before mine. (In college, people were always trying to have surprise parties for us. Inevitably, someone would come up to me and say, "When's Kiki's party?" [Yes, it's true, Kiki and Nikki.] To which I would inevitably reply, "What party?" and then they'd run off like they were on fire. Or, you know, mumble, "Oh, right," and shamble off.)
So it should come as no surprise that I thought my blogiversary was tomorrow, but it was yesterday.
Last year I wrote a fun retrospective. I was going to go through and pull all the blogiversary posts, but I think you can do that as well as I can. There's a handy archive widget over there. -->
I found these questions when I googled "birthday questionnaire." I changed some to be more blog appropriate to celebrate 11 years of blogging. Enjoy.
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Now we are 11. |
What is the weather like? Gloomy. Hot and humid. One of the first uncomfortable days of the summer, which is entirely remarkable for having been so temperate.
What’s the last movie that you saw? What was the last movie that you loved? Saw: Chef. Loved: A Separation.
What do you wish you could own right now? A flat in London.
What do you want your next vacation to be? Someplace exotic. But I'm also thinking we should do a drive up the coast to the Canadian Maritimes. When we go up to Maine, people always want to see us but we just don't have the time; this would give us time. We have also discussed going to South Korea where my cousin's husband is now working, but only for one more year.
What are you most worried about? Oh, Christ, what am I not worried about? The whole of the Middle East, Ukraine, Ferguson, the Constitution, malaria in Africa not being treated because of Ebola, poverty, hunger, racism, the widening gap between rich and poor, Round-up.
What is your favorite recent memory? Holding Special K for the first time.
What were the top three accomplishments from the last year? Getting a job. Setting goals with the dude at the new year. Connecting more with people.
What made you laugh the hardest most recently? The dude always says things that are incredibly hilarious but don't work entirely well out of context.
What are you best at? What do you think are you greatest assets and skills? I guess writing and
researching. And sarcasm.
What are your life goals at the moment? Did you make any progress on them? Saving for retirement, which has improved significantly since I went back to full-time work in an office that matches my contributions to 5% of my income. Also, the goals we made on New Year's Eve included connecting more with our friends and other people, and I think we can claim success there as well.
What are your wishes for the upcoming year? Travel more. Worry less. Cuddle babies.
What do you think you will be doing this time next year? In 5 and 10 years from now? This time next year I will probably be in Maine. In five years, I will probably be looking for or starting my next job as director of the "shop." I don't plan further out than that.
What project would you most like to finish in the coming year? Birth samplers for the babies--even though they are not on the list for this year. I think we've settled on Lizzie*Kate's Oh Baby, which will let me make coordinating samplers. (We're into coordinating rather than matching.)
What project would you like to start? Oh, the girls are going to need Christmas stockings, don't you think? (Next Christmas; they'll be too small to appreciate these this year.)
What new crafting skill would you like to learn? To clean up after myself!
What is one piece advice would you give your future self? Relax.
Happy Blogoversary,a day late. I enjoy reading your blog and am so glad life is chugging along famously for you.
Happy Blogoversary Nikki. I enjoyed reading your answers.
Totally understand the date issue - my sister and I could never remember whether our mother's birthday was January 23 or 24 - until I finally realized it was NOT 1-23!!!
Congrats on your blogoversary. I enjoyed reading your responses.
I vcte for a trip to South Korea while you have a friendly tour guide in residence. Such a great opportunity.
And may you have many more blogoversaries to celebrate so I can enjoy all your entries!!
Congratulations on your 11th blogaversary!
I can see we are going to be hearing a lot about those baby girls over the next few years. Can't wait for the Crafting with Aunti Nikki posts :-)
The Oh, Baby! samplers are cute. Coordinating is a good way to go. Congrats on 11 years!
Just catching up on my reading. Happy 11 years! I may steal your birthday questionnaire, if I remember...
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy ridiculously late blogoversary! (Not only am I behind on writing my own blog I am also shamefully behind on reading any of the blogs in my feed) Wonderful post - I particularly related to the worrying about everything. Sometimes I like to listen to NPR, and then I have to take a break because I start freaking out about ALL THE THINGS IN THE WORLD.
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