We had to cancel the shower because mama was on bedrest and we just couldn't move the shower to her house. Instead, she had a small gathering of family. With cake. My cousin made that. Isn't she amazing?
Since then she's been in and out of the hospital and to-ing and fro-ing with regular and unexpected doctor appointments. (Obstetrician. Pulmonologist! Cardiologist!) She is back in the hospital and won't be leaving again until the babies are on this side of the womb. I'll keep you up to date.

As you can imagine, I have been very worried. I've made so many flippin' mistakes on these dresses! I've been wearing a path to the knitting shop so the instructor can help me undo what I've done. Last week in class, I was finally motoring along and suddenly, I noticed that the pattern wasn't lining up. I handed it off to the instructor. I had been knitting inside out for like 10 rows. INSIDE OUT! How could I not notice? Seriously, people, a-n-x-i-o-u-s.
Still, I did choose to knit the 12-month size. So I've got that going for me. (That one that looks pink is really coral. And the purple is more orchid.)
Edited: Well, they were born! And now I can tell you that these are my nieces born to my sister this morning, two months early. But they seem pink and in good form at this juncture. Mom and dad happy and well.
Congratulations! What an exciting time, I'm so glad to hear everything looks good.
That cake is amazing!
Congratulations! So fun to have new little ones in the family. What an amazing cake. Good luck with the knitting.
Congratulations! So glad the babies and your sister are ok and well. Now you can relax a little and keep on knitting. Great little dresses so far.
Congratulations to your family on the two new additions! Best wishes for their continued health! Thanks for sharing the good news.
Oh my gosh! Congratulations to everyone! I'm so glad it all came out well in the end. It's amazing how well they handle preemies these days. Hope the babies continue to prosper and mom and dad too. That cake is amazing! Wow! The dresses look great -- so lucky that you can ask the instructor for help like that. Now that the anxiety is over, I bet you'll get them done with much less trouble. All the best to mom and babies!
Congratulations on being an aunt and best wishes and happy thoughts to your sister!
Congratulations to the happy family and best wishes for their new lives together! And just think how cute the dresses will be for their first birthdays.
Congratulations Aunt Nikki. So happy to read that they are doing good. Beautiful dresses.
awwwwww wee ones to cuddle .. and congratulations to all in helping them arrive safely :) love the wee dresses and had a giggle about the inside out ... at least you can knit :) love the cake :)
sooo now you can chill and take lots of photos .... love mouse xxxx
Congrats to Mama and her two new lil ones!! You must be so excited Aunty!! I kinda picture you as the wild old aunt that hte cousins all talk about and want to visit :) The dresses are looking lovely....stop worrying about them and breathe! If they get dome by the time the girls are 21.....well.....they would still treasure them :)
So happy to read that all is well! Congratulations to all of you. Yes, the cake is beautiful.
Great news! Glad they are all doing well!
Congratulations Aunt Nikki! I'm glad to know mama and babies are on this safe side of birth, that kind of anxiety is really tough. Such tiny little ones! All the best to your family!
That is an adorable cake! Congratulations to the family on two nieces - hope they continue to blossom and grow in good health. Will you decide who is Coral and who is Orchid?
What a wonderful time for you, I tried knitting and my boys were too big to wear anything. But you will have time to finish these lovely dresses! And that cake, perfection
Congratulations Aunt Nikki! Hope mom and babies continue to be well.
Congrats to the new Auntie! I hope the babies and momma are doing okay, probably in the Neonatal unit I imagine for some time until they are bigger. Your dresses look adorable and I'm sure you will finish them successfully.
Glad to hear all is well. Congratulations!
I hope all continues to go well, for the babies and your sister. Cute cake and the knitting - looks marvelous! Sherry :0)
Congratulations Auntie!!
Glad everyone is doing ok.
Looking forward to seeing the little one's in their dresses :-)
Congratulations to all of you on the twins' birth! Hoping they grow and are well in the coming weeks until they are healthy enough to go home.
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