But you want to hear about yesterday. I arrived just in time to see a box and a padded envelope being buried in snow. My fabric finally arrived! (And, incidentally so did an order I placed December 30th, which had never been confirmed. So you know I double bought that stuff. {sigh}.)
I'd like to say I ran to cut the fabric and then sat down to stitch-stitch-stitch, but there were things to be done. It's not every day you get home four hours early! I did manage a few stitches, more than two threads, I'm happy to say.
And if you are following the saga of the orders placed on January 4th, there is still one outstanding. I just found out that that company had problems with my credit card and emailed me, and the email ended up in the spam folder even though, you know their newsletter and the order confirmation managed to land in my inbox. And they know this is a problem because when I wrote and asked where my order was they told me to look there. I like to shop in stores I've visited in person, and have a relationship with the people who work there. But sometimes I think, just give me Amazon. I get what I want when I want it. And I get an order confirmation. And if something's unavailable, they know because their inventory software is tied to their shopping cart in some sensible way.
The good thing, I suppose, is that they did tell me in the email that ended up in the spam box that it would take two to three weeks to get some of the threads in. Better than the places that string you along with a "we ordered it..." But this is the problem with having tiny little businesses hand-dying forty hundred different thread colors and types. But let me tell you how I really feel.
Great new start Nikki. Glad to hear that some of the stuff you ordered has finally arrived. I think thats why I buy 95% of my stuff from 123 Stitch.
Nice start, Nikki! So glad we decided to vacation in Florida this week. It's a bit chilly, but there's no snow.
Ah, Nikki, your comments about fibers and fabrics being out-of-stock, reminds me of a customer I had who was looking for DMC 321 perle 3 (christmas red). With a stern look at me, she queried, "Well, will you ever have it in stock?" I wanted to tell her that "No, I never intend to reorder that color because I'll only sell it and have to reorder again." DMC used to have a rigid dye schedule which no amount of American demand could change. I wonder if that's true of other fibers.
Oh I hate when orders come that you don't know that they were even confirmed. I had that happen recently too. Ugh. Double order here too. Sigh. DH had an interesting 2 hour ride home last night - usually takes 20 minutes. Sounds very similar to your ride -- he couldn't get up hills without getting up a full head of steam and he actually slid off the road once, and then slid right back on. Yikes!
I'm a 123stitch fan myself....it's not easy getting supplies out here and I find that half the time it's much more cost effective for me to order online than try to get stuff from stores here.....except for DMC threads.....I have a really good supplier for those...but I often get lost driving there.....long story! Oh...should I mention that I really wish it snowed here? We don't get to leave early because of snow :(
Glad that you made it home safe. I hate that you have so many problems with ordering. I have found one place that I really like and have not been ever disappointed with my order wait times from them.
I see you have started a pumpkin pattern. Is that a moustache I see? P-)
Nice new start. I dislike waiting for order confirmations and shipping dates as well.
I am longing for Spring today, it seems a long way off. I am off work today tho due to the weather, yeah!
I have that exact same pattern and started with the crow, too. I won't tell you how long ago I started it, tho...
Love Great Pumpkin, the crows are such fun in this. I'll enjoy watching it progress. We've been getting a ton of snow, and earlier ice, here in Michigan too. Ugh!! I'm so ready for winter to be over. Sue
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