Last April, I announced another stitching challenge.
Unlike in past years, I totally forgot to remind you about
it. Then I forgot about it all together. About two and a half months ago, I got a photo in the mail from
Monica, the Hoopless Stitcher…(which I always misread as the Hopeless Stitcher, but really she's not!) She stitched Paulette’s pattern and finished it as a threadkeep. I sent her a little
return message to let her know it came though, and then I thought I should
perhaps look up the deadline for this thing. (Which I just did now.)

I feel so badly about dropping this ball from such a great
height, I feel moved to send a little surprise to everyone who actually stitched this. So Monica, Jo, and Riona, please send me your snail mail addresses.
I hope you enjoyed all the beautiful examples people made. Let's give them a round of applause.
I don't think I deserve consideration since I never finished the piece because I made a counting mistake in the border I had added to the sampler. But if you are feeling forgiving of such failings ...
reg mar acc at optonline dot net
Very nice work, ladies!!!
They both turned out great and so different.
Lovely! Well done ladies. I wonder - what the next challenge will be?
Glad you liked the ornie. I really enjoyed thinking up the idea.
Funny how you gave us six months and I still managed to leave it until the last minute!
Fabulous work. And be easier on yourself. We are only human. I just started a new stitching blog after a few months hiatus at stitcherista.blogspot.com. I would love if you visited and became a follower!
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