See what I mean?
I did all the idiot stitching (orange block) on the way to the Maryland State Fair. We watched met up with some friends, watched their kids go on rides, ate better-for-us-food (most people had lamb, but I went with the softshell crab), contemplated eating worse-for-us food (onion blossoms! deep fried buckeyes! other crazy deep fried foods!) and then went and admired the home arts. And...and this is exciting stuff!...we learned that people from all the states bordering Maryland can enter. Which is all kinds of awesome because Pennsylvania has no official state fair. The dude is looking forward to see how his preserves match up. The woman working the preserves section told us that there's something like 160 categories in food preservation and a woman from West Virginia used to enter every one of them. That's like preserving something every other day. Crazy! For now, the dude plans on "jams, other fruit than above" and possibly catsup. There's only 70 cross-stitch categories, and I'm pretty sure no one's ever entered all of them, and I have no ambition to try.
Hey, Patchy-Mutt-Dog, how'd you get so yellow?
I inherited my grandfather's pickled finger (he lopped it off with a power saw). I'm wondering if they have a category for meat preserves.
Your dog is looking grand--I want to stitch that too!
Yum! Soft shell crabs. Something to dream about.
Have you started thinking about what you'll enter next year?
Soft shell crabs sound so yummy! Your dog piece will be great.
I've never entered anything in a fair.
You accomplished quite a lot in three days. Seeing what you've done makes me think I need to try this rotation business. (I write this knowing I started yet another project just yesterday!)
OMG! I love this piece!!!! So so much! I don't have a dog, but I need this kit. lol! I'm glad you posted the link. :D Interesting about the Maryland fair. Love soft shell crab. I enjoyed all those tie break re-runs on Monday. It was a real memory lane thing for me. So much fun!
ps: I found the cat version. I'm happy. :D
That's a cute dog! Very unusual, so perfect!
Great progress Nikki. I really like this design.
70 cross stitch categories?! You guys are pretty hard-core when it comes to state fairs.
We have similar fall fairs up here, but they generally smaller and don't have 160 categories for preserves!
"Go to an American State Fair" is now on my bucket list!
Maybe you could find out the 70 categories and we could see how many we could feasibly tick off in a year? Just for fun!!
Just seen Glenna's comment!! Best comment this week LOL
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