Fabric, including silky ribbon, isn't that. I thought it was a bad choice. (It's always a bad choice for me personally. I mean anyone who has been reading long enough has read about a hand injury or six that I've given myself. And it's hot. It's hot for a long time.)
Quick glue gun story. I once left mine on for months. I made something, must have been in a rush. Finished gluing and then left the craft room. Into which I rushed only on occasion to get my clothes and shoes. Finally one day I turned on the radio and noticed two things were plugged into the wall. And there was the little glue gun still on. Not even sitting in a pile of hot glue. Nothing. Of course, when I went to use the glue gun to make the apple wreath, I had to extract great gobs of burnt glue from the nozzle. How awesome that little thing didn't burn down my house! How horrible that little thing burns me every time I turn it on. It's a love-hate relationship with us.
Back to the craft-of-the-day. I'm throwing it away once I pry that rhinestone button from the center. I do have 1.5" satin ribbon, so I may try again. Definitely with fabric glue too. Or, you know, needle and thread, which also seems to create connections between pieces of fabric.
Oh, dear. Sorry for the failure, but thank you for sharing. Too many bloggers hide their failures and only show us the pretties.
ouchie re the hot glue gun and boy you were lucky it didn't burn the house down ...
love the colour of the ribbon and the sparklies and to be honest didn't know there was anything wrong from the photos :) love mouse xxxxx
Well, it looks different from the original, but not bad. That is really amazing about the glue gun. Thank goodness it didn't burn the house down or anything else for that matter.
I see nothing wrong with it Nikki. I don't think you should throw it away. You were very very lucky with that glue gun. It must really like you.
Hey, kudos for trying something new!
It looks OK to me, but I agree with you about glue guns. They are vicious little beasts, and my heart sinks when I see a fabric project lovingly labelled as "no sew" like that was a good thing
I have a horrible deep-seated fear of hot glue guns. I do believe the things are pure evil disguised in a cute plastic case. It is such a good thing yours hadn't gotten up the courage yet to catch fire!
You are lucky about the glue gun. I left mine plugged in for a few hours the other day and my 12 yo found it and scolded me big time.
As for ruching, I tried it for the first time this past weekend on 1/4 inch ribbon. Epic fail, but I'm leaving it on my pillow because I'm planning on selling it anyway.
Not all craft projects are a win.
At least we're trying.
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