Thursday, October 06, 2011

Diapers and Bodily Fluids

This morning I found myself standing in the middle of a Starbucks on the phone with my bank holding an adult diaper.

Peggy Lee is heading to New Jersey for a nuclear power plant outage, so Catherine G. gathered us--Peggy, Brett, Cat, and me--in Chadds Ford for a tiny bit of stitching and more shopping. But your still worried about the diaper, aren't you?

I made sure to endear myself to everyone by correcting their grammar, complaining about shopping while buying the most, and getting cranky when I wasn't fed promptly at noon. And you wonder why I don't have more friends.

We had, as always happens when stitchers get together, a great time. We talked about everything from morning wood to what a girl should wear in Atlantic City, from where teenage boys should jack off to how much sleep we need now that we're middle aged.

It was a delightful time, and I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did, even though I was my usual pain in the ass self.


Needle Nicely said...

But still no explanation of why you were holding the adult diaper?
Talk about a bait-and-switch!!

I assume the explanation will follow (and I want ALL of the details!). Love your blog--

Southpaw Stitcher said...

OMG! Say it ain't so, SB. Not you, too! ... But *you're* still worried about the adult diaper, aren't you? ...

barbara said...

I just assumed we all kept adult diapers at hand when talking to the bank about anything. Don't we? I mean, it's not just me, is it?

Carissa said...

Oh my goodness! What a range of conversation and the one thing I really don't want to think about - teenage boys and that particular bodily function! Especially since two of my boys are nearly 12 and 13 1/2!

It sounds as if you had a good time together!

Miriam said...

You never fail to leave me in stitches.

Sherry :o) said...

Oh Anna, you make me laugh...and yikes, I have an 18 year old son! So dish on the diaper!!

Denise said...

And what should a girl wear to Atlantic City? And how much sleep do we need? As for the others - I'm afraid of your answers.

Glad to hear you are the same in real life as your blog - you don't put on airs and you are who you are!

The diaper --- come on -- tell us!

Dani - tkdchick said...

I always have an amazing time with my stitching friends!!! And yes we talk about and cackle over the most inapprorpate subjects!

Coni said...

Ahem. As someone who lived in AC (well, Margate, actually) for six years, I feel completely qualified to answer the question.

Gold. Lame'. Spandex.

(Oh wait. That was just me.)

P.S. LOVED the bank/adult diaper sentence. I think it should be the first line of your novel.

doris said...

I've never held an adult diaper, but I sure wish I'd been there for that conversation. Can't wait to hear an explanation.

mckinney37397 said...

totally laughed out loud-glad no one's here but me-needed that laugh-also glad to know there are more pain in the asses out there