Ask me how I know. |
When the recipe writers tell you to remove an avocado pit with a spoon, do not take it out with the knife. If you try to stab it--even if you have done so many, many times--this is the time the pit will roll and the knife will go through the avocado and into your palm. Slowly, I will learn all the lessons the kitchen has to offer in
avoiding danger.
{Sigh} So we spent a couple of hours in the emergency room last night. I couldn't stitch to pass the time because I was bleeding. The good news is, now that the bleeding is controlled, I can stitch again. That and no skin graft. That's pretty good news too.
OHNO!!!! I'm so sorry! Hurts me just to look at that hand! Hope you heal very quickly.
Ouch! Glad to hear it wasn't more serious.
ouch! I fell for you. When I injured my left hand, it took several months to stitch. I wasn't able to hold the q-snap w/o irritating pain.
Good luck + I'm so sorry!
Sounds like we have the same kind of luck. I've recently had to have knee surgery due to an old injury and am waiting for the same on the other knee. Same type of injury, at a different time - both 10-12 years ago. When people ask if I was an athlete (due to the nature of the injury) I lie and say yes. The truth is far too embarrassing. I'm a walking accident waiting to happen. So - are you a chef in training?
Ouch!!!!! You know, Pampered Chef has an avocado peeler that that claims the curved tip easily removes the pits. May be worth looking at! :).
Silly wabbit! Take care of your self! Next thing you know you'll be running with scissors.....
Oh, yow! Hope it heels fast!
I did something similar, and I was intrigued to discover that they have full-time people at the hospital I visited who stitch wounds all day. I was thinking I could do that job, and so could you! In fact, after viewing Mr. Wound Technician's sloppy-looking stitches (with black thread--tsk), I decided I could do a better job than he could.
Oh my. That looks like it hurt. I often remove the pit with a knife... rethinking. Doesn't the bandage annoy you when you are stitching?
well my first thought was silly twit ... my second ouch ouch and the third mmmm bet you won't do that again!!! ..lol .. seriously though hope it heals fast and does't cause you too much bother ... love mouse xxxxx
wow! and ouch!
OUCH!! Not a fun time. Hope you heal fast and stich well.
Owwwie! I hope it heals quickly!
Oh now that had to hurt! I am so sorry but the important thing is you CAN STITCH!! YAY!
That's good news that you can stitch now, but definitely not good news about the kitchen accident. Ouch! I can almost feel it now. Hope that it heals fast!
Just when you think you can handle yourself (and sharp objects) the kitchen without supervision, something unexpected happens. I've learned my lesson; I spend less time in the kitchen!
I have thwarted all kitchen accidents by having a Hubby that cooks!
I hope you heal quickly!
Oh, my gosh! Is that the same hand you cut the finger off? Thankfully, it's the left. Get well soon!
You should have your own cooking show. Seriously. I'd watch it.
Ouch!! So sorry. I don't stab my pit - I just whack the pit with a big chef's knife - the knife gets stuck in the pit, and then I can pull it out. The tricky part is getting the knife blade out of the pit, but I have been lucky so far. Hope it heals quickly.
Ouchie! I'm glad it wasn't any worse and that you can stitch again. Note to self: stay away from avocados!
Awwww! So sorry for your mishap! I love following your escapades, sorry there was blood with this one. Hope the hand doesn't hurt too bad. hmmmm, Maybe dinner has to be order out for a day or two.
Glad you can still stitch, but are you on the disabled list for kitchen duty?
Yikes! Some lessons we have to learn the hard way. Hope you heal quickly and get even with that avocado! :)
I might have to let you share my husband's nickname for me - "Mrs. Oops" :)
Although I'm very handy in the kitchen I do tend to have minor incidents there and with yard equipment. Fortunately I have a high pain threshold and he's learned not to freak out when I say "Honey? Can you bring me a band-aid?"
Get better soon!!
Owwww. I just learned to take an avocado pit out with a knife. Think I'll go back to the other way...
I think that you should be banned from using knives. Hope you're all healed now!
Sooner or later, you're going to be made to wear a tee shirt that says, "I am a danger to myself" LOL
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