Like my bandage? I know it looks like I've decorated my hand with crepe paper, but it's a self-adhesive bandage. We got it at Pet Smart--I need the 1" size, which they don't sell in human stores. You will be unsurprised to learn that bandages you buy at Pet Smart don't come in "fleshtone." While we--I have to be driven everywhere like a diva, so the dude came--were at the mall, I popped into AC Moore to see if I could find a book or magazine to alleviate my boredom. Things are really bad, people. I haven't stitched since Sunday* and nothing, nothing, grabbed my interest in the craft store. What can I do? I'd read, but I'm so easily distracted lately, I'm not sure how far I'm going to get. I have been reviewing the Book Lust books to see what I can find, because this is going to be a long two months if I don't have anything to occupy my hands. In fact, I should just warn you now: watch for the second coming of satan. These hands have never been so idle.
The only news on the crafting front is the cleaning woman found two pairs of embroidery scissors under my bed? nighttable?. One pair has been lost for ages. She's a keeper!
*A full day of work leaves me in too much pain to stitch.
Glad that the surgery went well, bummer about the numbing medicine wearing off, then you could have stitched to your little hearts content.;) Hope the healing process is fast for you and not too painful, take care {{{HUGS}}}
So did you buy the bandage in a variety of colors or just stick with the pink? It'd be really fun if they sold it to match the pets -- like black and white for dalmatians, etc.
Hang in there. If I think of a craft you can do with your toes, I'll holler.
You are the only person I know who has bought bandages (for herself) at a pet store. You're just too damn cool! ;)
Seriously, I sympathize with the idle hands issue and I really hope you can find something to occupy yourself with till this heals up enough to get back to your regular pasttimes.
Hey you're injury is hot. That's a good color on you.
The second coming of Satan. You're a hoot. Seriously, though, I hope you find something to occupy yourself because I swear there is nothing worse than being bored!
I hope you heal quickly - Pet Smart - ha ha!
I like that you found your scissors - that woman is a treasure!
I love the PINK! You could give someone a very color I'm No. 1 Salute! lol
I think your boredom calls for a nice comfy blankie and a really good juicy mind candy type of book.
Wow that housekeeper is a keeper! Finding lost scissors is an art at my house!
Great colour bandage, can't believe you had to go to the pet store to get it! Mad.
Good news on the scissors, I need someone like that, there are just Donnie Darko sized dust bunnies under my bed!
I've delurked to wish you a speedy recovery. If I didn't stitch, I'd wonder why there were scissors under your bed ;0) AS for reading, catch up on some blogs, I find that keeps me motivated to stitch. Although if I read nothing but blogs for two months I'd be crazy.
Guilty secret: Now that I've found your blog, I've been reading it from the very beginning because I enjoy your snarky, sarcastic perspective. Up with bitchiness!
Feeling your pain. Yesterday after typing and crocheting all day I wondered whether taking out an insurance policy on my hands might not be a sound investment.
I vote for exploring slacking at work if what you're doing is painful, too.
Ooooh! Fancy! LOL!
I am so sorry you are bored. You need a lot of great books. Haruki Murakami perhaps? I am a huge fan of his :)
You made need to keep that cleaning woman :-). Hope you have a quick recovery and not too much discomfort.
Haruki Murakami! The dude is reading _After Dark_ right now! That is so weird.
The Dude (Is that from Big Lebowski? Love that movie btw) has great taste! I havent read 'After Dark' yet, but it is on my ever growing list of Murakami's books to read. My favorites so far are 'Sputnik Sweetheart' and 'Norwegian Wood'.
Let me know how The Dude likes it please :)
Two months worth of unoccupied hands. That's terrible.
Did you toss the offending mandoline yet?
You poor thing - no stitching even. I hope that the finger is continuing to heal and look promising for no more grafts or anything.
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