Who taught you to stitch, and were there any special circumstances or memories surrounding this? My mom taught me embroidery when I was small. It was one of the things I did on rainy days when we were at the beach for the summer (paint our nails was another, and lots of card playing). I must have been about 6 or so. I did crewel which is why I have no French knot fear. As I got older, she and I had a harder time learning from each other. I never knew about cross stitch until college when bestpal was making things for the girls she babysat. When she got engaged (so young!), I took it up to make something for her wedding.
What’s your favorite thing to stitch? (A project, a kind of stitching, etc.) I like stitching all sorts of things. As in all parts of my life, I have eclectic tastes.
Why do you stitch? Relaxation. A sense of accomplishment.
When is your special stitching time? The only time I don't stitch is when I am at work or if I am in the car after dark.
Where is your special stitching place? I don't know how special it is. (
My mom bought my sister and me those little cards with the holes punched in them that you thread the string through. We "sewed" on car trips. We were probably three or four. I don't remember when I actually held needle and thread for the first time.
I learned all my stitching crafts from my mother except quilting and cross stitch. I guess that leaves sewing with a machine, crewel, and needlepoint.
If only everyone would comply with me so quickly! ;)
I love that little sheep pillow. I think my grandmother did crewel too, but she only taught me cross-stitch.
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