Thursday, March 27, 2008

List #27: Unknown Vintage

The dude is off to England. It's his father's 75th birthday. Even though we were just in England and it costs a freaking fortune and the dollar is in the shitter, the dude is on his way. His father wouldn't take no for an answer. You may remember he wouldn't take no for an answer last October either. But I shouldn't complain, I'm not on my way to England for a long weekend. The good thing is that I am in total control of the working computer for four days. Hahahahaha!

Here is the last list of stitched pieces. These are the ones that I have no idea when I stitched. Well, I have some idea. They were all stitched between 1997-2003. Some I can narrow down a bit more, some not. We'll have to form a support group so we can learn to deal.
  • Santa Vest Hollie Designs. For my mom who loves Christmas. I took this in a class at SOCS just so we can help date it. It uses all sorts of fuzzy fibers and overdyed flosses. It's beautiful and she wears it every year.
  • Sew Simple Vest 15 Hollie Designs. I bought this after the aforementioned class. It didn't take long to stitch, and I have worn it. But vests are kind of out. And dorky.
  • Willow's Garden Tin Topper Samplers and Such. Stitched for my MIL, stitched the Christmas before everyone got one.
  • Sweet Spring Garden, Elizabeth's Needlework Designs. Definitely stitched for my mother before I stitched Blossom which led to her remark about "small pieces." Of course, all the while I was planning/toiling away on the Floral Afghan.
  • Plum Pudding Ewe & Eye & Friends. See 1999 for the story on the puddin'. I just can't not stitch plum pudding.
  • Bristol #1 Tin Topper Samplers and Such. Stitched for my SIL the year after I stitched the one for my MIL. My SIL went to Bristol. She was an art history major so this wasn't lost on her.
  • Rice Stitch Mosaic Tin Topper Samplers and Such. Do I ever talk about how much I love the rice stitch? I love the rice stitch. I don't know who I stitched this for, but I don't have it.
  • Florentine Stitch Tin Topper Samplers and Such. I stitched this one for my cousin on my mother's side who I never talk about.
  • Knot Garden Tin Topper Samplers and Such Stitched for Sissy, the year everyone got tin toppers. And I mean everyone.
  • Purple Heart, Ewe & Eye & Friends
  • Queen of Hearts, Charland Garvin, Cross Stitch and Country Crafts. I played fast and loose with this band sampler. I started it with intentions of it being a wedding sampler for the dude's friends, but I finished it after they separated so it went to my mother. It hangs in her powder room.
  • Wee Baby HIHN for the dude's best friend's baby. I know I've talked about this one--Oh, and there we go, we placed it!
  • Peter's Stocking Shepherd's Bush for the dude. This was the first one I stitched.
  • Sophie's Stocking Shepherd's Bush for me. Second.
  • Mary's Stocking Shepherd's Bush for Sissy. Third. So these predate the ones of known origin. I should be an archaeologist.
  • Bumble Bunny Twisted Threads, I stitched this for Lala's room when she was a baby--2000-2001. It's still in her room, just no record of stitching it.
  • Going to Market, Dimensions. I picked the name of my cousin-who-traveled-to-Africa one Christmas so I stitched this. I really liked how the background was stitched. She loved it, used to bring it in to her classroom to talk about Africa.


Anonymous said...

For the longest time we have had two computers on the mainland and one computer in Hawaii (and a laptop for travel; sometimes his, sometimes mine). This was probably OK when we were just keeping up with email (like in the '80s and '90s), though James spent a LOT of time playing computer games. As we got more and more involved in the internet and publishing program books and designing websites and downloading podcasts and blogging, well, one computer in any location was no longer enough. We still tussle over the one laptop when we are staying at a hotel. Today James is photoshopping and website extending. I'm blogging and updating Filemaker databases and downloading podcasts and reading email. In fact I have both my laptop and my desktop going. So I understand your glee in having the computer to yourself. I couldn't live any other way.

Anonymous said...

Don't you LOVE having the house to yourself for a few days?


Donna said...

Not to complain, but your list of finishes is starting to depress me. Only because I don't think I have any near as many over the same time period. Jealousy rearing its ugly head.

debijeanm said...

I've really enjoyed "experiencing" you list (seeing the pieces and reading your comments). Unlike Jo, it did not depress me but I sure am intimidated. I think I may have as much as you do in stash, but few finishes (and few of those are finished-finishes). I can't wait to retire so that I can just follow my ADD from project to project throughout a day (rather than from project to bed.)

Enjoy your computer monopoly. I don't mind when DH is away for a few days, although we have our own computers and so don't have that conflict.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you won't be too lonely while the dude is away. What a pain to have to fly over there right now while the dollar is so weak. Too expensive for me. Too bad his dad didn't offer to cover the costs... Oh, and I think I love the bumble bunny the best out of today's list. Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Your list of completed projects is beyond impressive.

Plus, "I just can't not stitch plum pudding." Of course, who can resist?

Michelle said...

Hope you've enjoyed your dude-less time. I love rice stitch too!! And I can't get enough of the pudding pieces.