Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How Much?

Maybe I just haven't noticed because I never was that into Houses or Village of Hawk Run Hollow, but Shores is going to cost $32-40 for the pattern, $129 for the silk, and $48 for the fabric. No wonder everyone converts to Vikki Clayton silks (her conversion is $61). Maybe I'm just cheap but that seems a little high to me. I'm sure that it is worth it from everyone's point of view (what the take is for each hand that brings it from the designer's head to my hot little hands). But still...I'll have to see how much the mother is willing to underwrite on this one.

Tonight I'll be stitching along with Michelle on my cheap little mermaid.


Glenna said...

Bah--I know. Remember when this was an inexpensive hobby? I like SoHRH but not enough to spend $200 on it. $200 gets me 3 or 4 projects I'd like just as well...

Katrina said...

Exactly why my VoHRH and HoHRH will be done in DMC.

Annemarie said...

I know, isn't it ridiculous! I'm stitching my village with plain old DMC and it looks just as good to me!

Terri said...

I didn't buy any of the patterns when they first came out and when I did buy them I bought one from someone who changed their mind and one marked down 25%. I decided to do mine in the NPIs, but have been buying them 10 at a time when they're 25% off! I also bought the fabric when it was on sale, and purchased enough of one color to do both Ho and VoHRH. Thankfully, I'm not that crazy about Shores. Now, just to find the time to do them! LOL

mainely stitching said...

I'm also using the DMC. Even so, the linen, fabric, and DMC pack put me back $100.

Anonymous said...

That's why I'm taking two years to do my one Chatelaine pattern, Hawaiian Mandala. The fabric is 29" x 29" (Silkweaver Opalescent, so not cheap) and the threads and beads pack from European Cross Stitch was +$300 not including the DMCs. No, this is not an inexpensive hobby when designers (and stitchers) want to stitch in silks and metallics and beads. Still it is much, much less expensive than needlepoint where hand painted canvases start at $100 and go WAY, WAY up and silk needs to cover them 6 or 12 strands at a time rather than 1 or 2.

Donna said...

I'm going to chime in and say I'm not at all impressed with the Vikki Clayton silks. I have not tried to stitch with them, but I have sorted through them and I think they feel wrong. Not all smooth like Au Ver a Soie or Needlepoint silks. The collection of them in my local shop looks all ragged and unappealing. But that's just MHO.

Mindi said...

I love Vikki's silks, but then I've only been stitching with them since she switch to new dyes in the last year. I'd definitely use them over cotton just because the silk doesn't knot up nearly as much and feels better in my hands. She'll send you a free sample if you send her a SASE, its always worth a try, and everyone has their own preferences.