Here is my collection of snow figures in the living room with the snowy tree:

The small snowmen have gathered near my sewing spot--that's my Ott-Lite in the background. And "sew warm" is "sew cute" with that needle in his hand. Do I love the Williraye or that no-name guy with the droopy hat more?

These are my candle holders. The small globe was made by my niece.

"Fall Guy" needs some friends I think...

But I can't take anyone down from the tv cabinet. Any fewer and it looks a little sparse.
I don't know how I came to collect snowmen, but I find them happy-making.
Sissy's appointment took forever tonight. First she arrived at 4:45 for her 5:40 appointment to be told it had been rescheduled to 6:30; didn't she get their call? Fortunately, I work close by so we went to Jones for dinner where the dude joined us. Then we showed up at 6:20 and they were waiting for her. They led her back where they must have held her captive for a while before administering the test. They didn't release her until 7:45. We got home at 8:30...there went the hopes of a second coat of primer on the bathroom...but we are closer to knowing.
Snowmen are indeed very happy-making. Our kids are praying for snow this year so they can make a snowman ...
I like all the little snowmen. I'm a fan of the snowmen too. We don't see much of the white stuff here.
White Christmas is my favorite, too. I'm trying to brainwash Evie with it. She told me she loves the dresses and the shoes.
I seem to have the same sort of problem vis a vis snowmen but mine is pumpkins.
And the grammar on that sentence is odd (at best). More coffee.
Such cute snowmen - they do bring a bit of happy, don't they? Glad the test is over - hope to hear the good news soon.
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