I got some petite needles, Ink Circles Sea Stars, and, as an excuse to buy some Crescent Colors Belle Soie, a couple of French Country charts from JBW. And it's here already! I didn't have to wait for decades just because she had a sale.
Thanks for your understanding about my aborted rant and sage marital advice. My mom was full of advice for us girls as we went out into the dating world: "Never marry with intent to change [him]" and "All men are assh*les; you have to find the man that's the amount of assh*le that you can live with." Now you know why I didn't marry until I was 34 and Sissy (38) remains unwed. She also used to say--with much regret--"You don't just marry the man, you marry the whole damn family." Fortunately for her, his family didn't appeal to him all that much either (of course, there was the family business to deal with). Fortunately for me, I'm treated very well by my in-laws. (Each of the dude's aunts likes to tell me secretly that the dude is her favorite.) So I really should be able to behave better, but, sadly, I am a horrible person.
Jealous, jealous, jealous! I love Sea Stars and I was swamped last Friday. I never got over to One Star's Light to even look over all the goodies. Hooray for you!
For me "marrying the whole damn family" is still quite a shock. My parents were both only children, so no cousins or aunts or uncles growing up. I'm still trying to figure out how Becky is James' aunt (once removed? twice removed? forcibly removed?) much less trying to figure out which side of his family most anyone is related to. And then there is my sister-in-law's husband's family, who are endless and consist of people who live together and are not married and those that used to be married and their unmarried children from a third relationship. Families! At least none of them live on the west coast.
Yeah, marrying the whole family. Wish I'd gotten a better deal with that part of it!
I'd like to declare war on my IL's...they've already written me off an unimportant in their lives (and most definitely treat me as such), why can't I just avoid them and then everyone would be happy?
Waiting for Hubby to come around to that train of thought...
Up till now, my advice to Rowen was going to be to just "play" till the men pass 30 years old. But the bit about marrying the whole family is genius and will have to be added to the list of advice. My ILs just confuse the hell out of me.
Your order from Jenna is fabulous. Mine's also already been shipped - what a change from waiting 6 weeks or longer before the order even hits the post!!!
Jenna is always great about getting orders out quickly.
Our mom told us "Pick your battles." It was the best advice anyone ever gave me.
Ha ha. This blog drew as many comments about marrying as stitching did. Two things your friends have strong opinions about, I guess.
Congrats on your stash!
My mother gave me the same advice wise Mother SB gave you, only at 32 I wasn't as smart as you were and I didn't listen. Not only did I ignore the most important part about "changing him" but your part about marrying foreigners - he was American but raised outside the U.S.
Oooo. Love the pumpkin. I will have to go looking for the chart. I have a perfect thread for it.
Hooray for the goodies!
Er... I added a little button to my sidebar. Thanks for the tip, and feel free to steal it if you wish.
Love your stash, and Jenna is certainly fast with her orders.
I'm glad it arrived so quickly and that you're pleased with your order. :)
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