Here's a sneak peek of the project I am working on for the contest. That's a pretty good Phillies P, isn't it? Cathy, who I got to see for a brief moment, thought so. Or at least she was real polite like.

This is the bag o' loot we got for being among the first 1000 to buy our tickets. Those are some serious needles (size 19). I felt a lot safer taking public transportation after the game with those on me. We also got some patterns, class schedules, coupons--including $$ off from Fireside Stitchery, fiber wash, and a Phillies calendar. But that tote has to be the cheapest thing going. Touching the fabric made me feel dirty. But only a fraction dirtier than I already was from all the sweat.
The crafters were in right field. We had to contend with the sun and foul balls. And then when the lights came on, my coworker and I were just three seats away from actually having them on us--that is, we were in the dark. Fortunately, people are nice and the women sitting next to us moved down so that I could see to stitch. The woman behind me ("Why isn't Cole pitching? He's a starting pitcher; he should start every game!" "I'm going to take a picture of Utley's butt." "Go get me a water ice." "I want to go to the Alley Store."), well let's just say, she wasn't One of Us. Those knitting needles might have been a danger, but he took her to the Alley Store just in time.
Apparently, Craig from Loop was writing a letter to the president of the National Needle Arts Association about the crapiness of the bag and it's contents. My sister teaches sock knitting at that store, that's how I know.
And I wasn't just being polite, I love the project. As a matter of fact, I was going to ask you to send me the chart, if you charted it.
Yeah for other bloggers making it to Stitch N Pitch night - where ever they are!
I have to say that there was little in my bag that I got back in May that I will ever use. Size 19 knitting needles? I guess I'll send them on to my SIL. Mini-clip on lights would have been a great thing to find in the bag...I know I gave up stitching in the 8th inning of the game I attended due to lack of light and the fact that the pitcher was throwing a no-hitter.
But still. The whole experience was fun. And next year we'll get to do it here in D.C. in a brand new stadium!
The bag wasn't great, but let's face it, it's not why we went. I'm thinking of the bag we got at a Knit Out in L.A. and it wasn't much better: Free patterns, metal knitting needles (size 7?), some catalogs, and a couple of plastic crochet hooks. No yarn. And it was just a plastic shopping bag. So, on par.
I'll be happy to share the pattern for the "P"--it's all I've charted. I think I have your address, Cathy. Thanks for your kind words!
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