Monday, June 04, 2007

Garden Thyme

This weekend the dude and I took a trip out to Lancaster to buy some plants for the new landscape. We bought a lilac, two rose bushes, a buddleia bush, two PJM rhododendrons, a cherry laurel, 3 sedum, 3 phlox, 2 day lilies, and 2 salvia. We spent $50 to fill up my cousin's minivan (you couldn't get all that in a Honda Civic!) and $200.44 for the vegetation. On Sunday, we got some of it in the ground.

Before, March 2007

We had to till the soil, and cut down two 50 year old yews. (The ones on the left.) The dude went out and rented a rototiller (in the Honda Civic) and a chain saw for the yew. The only way to get the rototiller home was to take it apart and put it in the front seat. When he opened the door, he turned to me and said, "Say hello to my little friend." And you wonder why I love him! Only the tiller became my little friend, and I have the sore triceps and back to prove it.

We got the rhododendrons, butterfly bush, and cherry laurel in, but the rest of the stuff will have to wait until we remove the grass from the bed. I know we're probably doing this all ass backwards, but that's just how we work. If we waited for everything to be done properly, this post would be dated June 4, 2008.

During, June 2007

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your landscaping is looking wonderful! What fun.