Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So this past weekend, I was in the King of Prussia mall and these punk kids walk by--one of them is wearing a pair of pants my sister used to own, swear to god, red plaid with tapered leg. As we pass, I say to the dude out of the corner of my mouth, "You did not invent that." He retorts, "You kids are so 1983." I laugh and say, "When I was your age, I used to look like you. See what you have to look forward to?" The dude cracks up. Oh we're so jaded, and ironic, and witty.

But I was in high spirits because I found this magazine: Adorn. This is the kind of magazine I wish I had had when I was the age of those punksters. (I'll have to try to scan a picture from those good old days when I am in NH this weekend, clearing my crap out of my parents' house.) It might be a little young for me, but I loved their section on Japanese crafts, "Turning Japanese." Look, it really is all about the early 80s. (You so did not invent that!)

Best, they give links to help you get some of the cool Japanese craft books. Worth the nominal cost alone! I'll give you one, but only because I'm feeling ebullient. Check it (there are links to help you navigate Amazon.jp).


mainely stitching said...

That 80's style is driving me crazy. I feel like I'm in high school all over again, and I didn't like it the first time!!

Monsoon said...

I had no idea Betz was in the magazine. But then again I am still trying to find the Sew Simply (sp?) magazine you mentioned a month ago...I guess NC just doesn't have the same level of magazine selection of PA. Sigh

Michelle said...

Adorn looks very cool. I will have to check it out! The wire tree I have my hearts on was from here http://www.finehomedisplays.com/proddetail.asp?prod=45%2D0690

Megan said...

I've seen Adorn mentioned on blogs, but haven't found it in a store here in NJ yet.

I did discover this week that Palisades Center Mall in NY has a Japanese book store - unfortunately I was running late and couldn't peek in, but I'm hoping it may have some craft books.