Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Round Robin Help

I received my camp friends' round robin today. My friend's theme is "cross-stitch," which is pretty broad. I have a chart of "antique needlework tools" that I was going to use, but now that I see what the person before me (the ubiquitous best pal) did and I don't like my idea so much anymore. She made her own design with four little stitching queens (hair color correct-ish) surrounding the quote "I cannot count a day complete 'til needle, thread and fabric meet."

Now my idea seems sterile. So I was thinking that at camp, they gave us a chart of the cabin where we stayed. I could use that. Or I could stitch some of The Meri Wanderer's scissor charts, which are great, like this one or this. I could do Lynn Nicoletti's Thimbelina over one so it will fit in the little 75x75 area. I could convert Glory Bee's chart "Chart: 6.00/Linen: 12.00/Afternoon stitching with friends: Priceless" to be about camp. I also found the quote: "I pray that risen from the dead/ I may in Glory stand/ A crown, perhaps, upon my head/ But a needle in my hand." So much pressure!

I welcome your ideas.


Melissa said...

Anna-I found this quote on a piece over at Craftster:

"A woman with needlework in her hands is generally assumed to have no other thoughts in her head, and can safely harbor any number of improprieties." Patricia A McKillip, Od Magic

Not sure what this has to do with your RR as it's probably way too long but you couldn't imagine the things that run around my brain when I'm stitching. No wonder I make so many mistakes.

Terri said...

Melissa, my mind wanders in weird places as well! LOL

Anna I love the verse you've chosen and Thimbelina. They'd be perfect together if you could somehow incorporate them.