As my aunt and Maggie were leaving the movie theater after their weekly trip, some guy says "Hi, Maggie." After she figures out who it is, and they exchange pleasantries, he walks away. But while he's still in earshot, she says "that guy's a real jerk." My aunt says the guy really is a jerk, but she was still embarrassed.
Maggie also needed stuff from Walgreen's, so they stopped in. This time, it's my aunt who gets chatted up. "Hi, Mikki*. Do you recognize me?" She knows him from high school (in the mid-1960s) and he tells her that he has survived two heart attacks and two bouts with cancer. After they talked a bit, Maggie comes up to my aunt and says, "You graduated with him? He looks like an old man" while the guy was standing right behind her. When my aunt chastised her later, she defended herself saying that he was probably hard of hearing anyway.
After all this, my aunt stopped at my grandmother's apartment and put her leftover pizza in the fridge and her Walgreen's stuff on a table. Later that evening, Maggie called my aunt saying that she had looked everywhere and couldn't find her pizza. My aunt told her to check the fridge. It's a wonder she doesn't get sick from--we assume--leaving foodstuff out on the counter for days!
*It's true, Mikki and Nikki.
YAY! I do enjoy a good Maggie story.
Thanks for the laugh! Maggie reminds me of the cranky lady on the Hallmark cards....
Crazy Love is looking good Nikki. Thanks for the chuckles. What a great story.
It's been a while since we've heard from Maggie. Glad to know she's still out and about getting into mischief! ♥VE will get its L on before you know it...
Love that 2nd story in particular! I hate meeting people I was at school with and thinking how OLD they look!
I was only thinking about Maggie the other day while looking through last year's stitching diary. Glad she's still going strong.
I miss "Maggie Mondays"--could we have one every 4 or 6 weeks to slowly wean us? I know she is exasperating in day-to-day life, but she is truly refreshing as a personality. Thanks for sharing her.
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