In the meantime, I've been sewing trim on things. These pieces have been nearly finished for a long time. I just had to make and sew trim. Apparently, my princess self doesn't really like doing these menial tasks...I forced her.

This is an EE&F scissors fob. I think I bought it because people kept telling me that bestpal and I were two peas in a pod. She bought it too. She's probably been using hers for years. Anyway, I found that pea fabric--which is brighter than the stitching and even brighter IRL--at Keepsake Quilting, and just had to have it, even though I had to buy much more (like a yard) than I needed. I made the cord the same colors as the checked border. I like how it came out!

This was a camp project from 2005. It's Mary Garry's freebie needlebook. I completed the stitching in 2005; I think I sewed it up last year, but never got around to doing the trim. Now I have! Wow! I can bring it to camp with me next month!
I think this princess and I are going to have some more talks!
I think this princess and I are going to have some more talks!
Wow, fabulous finishing!! Both are wonderful, but I think the Mary Garry is particularly sweet. Great idea to make it into a needlebook!
Your finishing is great! I think you and the princess should have more talks. The results are beautiful.
Oh that pea fabric is perfect! My friend is going to stay in Stow later this year for her hols, I'm already working on a list for Keepsake Quilting ;)
Cute needlebook too, you will be the princess at camp!
(Looks like to had a great time in Florida too.)
Those are great! I love the needle book!
Both finishes are most excellent!
Your finishes are definitely amazing and I for one would really like it if you did take photos as you go along. I really think you should have a really big talk with the Princess about finishing and maybe one day I'll have the same talk with the Princess part of me. Doubt it but you never know I just might. Lots of Love Patti xxx
Way to go, Princess! They look fabulous.
Very nice fin ishing. The Mary Garry needlebook is fantastic. Unbelieveable that this was a freebie . I would have bought it immediately if I had seen it somewhere.
Good for you, getting your princess in line! Maybe a tutorial on how to accomplish that would also go over well. ;)
Fantastic finishes! The pea fabric is adorable! You've got skills!
Princess Sews Trim. Sounds like an American Indian name, a la Stands with Fist.
Fabulous finishes! Was the princess and the pea theme intentional? ;)
Nice needlebook!
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