Monday, November 08, 2004

Stitching Bloggers QOTW: Oldest/Longest

What project has been a WIP/UFO the longest? Or what project took you the longest to complete?
The project that has been a WIP the longest is Toy Gatherer by Sherpherd's Bush. I have a lot of things that have been started but not finished because I prefer starting to finishing, and I am completely undisciplined about it. Toy Gatherer has been put aside for wedding samplers and birth samplers and Christmas presents and birthday afghans. I have picked it up recently, and things were going well on it for a while, but then the Christmas present-making season began and I've been focused on that.

How does one decide what took the longest to complete? Longest time start to finish--including the time spent on other things? Or the most total number of hours on the project? For the latter, it's probably the afghan. For the former, it may be Professor Fizzby's Freebee which I started in 1999 but didn't finish until last May--a grand total of 5 years. Of course, once I put it in the rotation and was active on it, it only took about 15 hours, which I managed to do in about a month.

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