Friday, November 21, 2003

Just Do It!

Well, I'm very proud of myself because for two consecutive nights I've been working on the afghan. I'm doing the camellia square. I'm working on the leaf. I hope by the end of the weekend, I'll have finished the stem and leaf and I'll be working on a flower. Usually the flowers are the "good part" because of the vibrant colors. The first two colors I'll use on this flower are ecru and lighter ecru. Ho-hum. But it's going, it's going... We have to focus on the positive.

In Christmas gift news, I've finished the last of the sweatshirts, started Stephanie's scarf again, and decided what I'm going for Auntie Em.

A new friend wrote to me snail mail to tell me that Julie Ruin has a song with the chorus, "You make me want to . . .you make me want to . . .you make me want to crochet!" I'm not sure anything would make me want to crochet, but if you've got a young, feminist, punkster crocheting friend, you might want to consider the eponymous Julie Ruin cd for Christmas.

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