Sunday, April 01, 2018

Christmas Quilling

I did a small quilling project two years ago for the Craft Month Challenge. It helped me get over my dread of quilling that was instilled when my mother would have me make quilled snowflakes for the craft bazaar and sell them for .25/each. It was the 80s but damn, that's cheap. (I'm so traumatized I tell you this story every time I mention quilling. It might be time to put it to rest.)

I didn't use a pattern for this. It's a pretty basic project, I only used coils; no teardrops or marquis or scrolls. You just need paper strips (they sell them in the craft stores now/again), glue, and a toothpick. Seriously, you don't need more than that.


Robin in Virginia said...

Your quilled snowflake is beautiful, Nikki. I like it on your tree.

Beth said...

That's like my babysitting revenue - 50 cents an hour!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I really like this snowflake and hope it puts the bad memories to rest.
I did think slavery was abolished a while back!