Here is my final Crazy January start, Plum Street Sampler's Boris, which I am stitching on a slightly darker fabric (I think it calls for Light Exemplar and I'm stitching on regular Exemplar) with the called for colors. It's really intriguing how much this animal resembles Stella. I'm going to change the striped socks Boris has to white toes and make his tail curl like hers.
Here is Stella seeing how much of the couch she can take up while wearing her winter weight. Girlfriend gets faaaat once the weather cools down. In the summer, she is less interested in food. Probably because she spends all that time in her bikini. We're going to have to talk to the vet about what to do.

This weekend I was happy to throw a moustache party for my niece's 13th birthday family celebration. She wanted moustache cupcakes. I went to pinterest, but all I could really find were paper moustache cake toppers. I wanted something more integral to the cupcake. I found a candy mold for moustache lollipops and made them in chocolate and peanut butter flavors. I was going to stick the lollipops into the cupcakes, but the way the stick is offset, no matter how short I made the stick, the cupcake couldn't support it. I thought about cutting the sticks off but the dude said it would be more fun to have lollipops. And he was right.
I went whole hog. I bought moustaches for everyone to wear. I bought her a moustache cookie cutter and moustache paper from Paper Source to use for our craft day, which I put in a bag that I added a paper moustache to.
The fascination that girls this age have with moustaches is perplexing to say the least. (Don't think it's a trend? Search "moustache" on amazon. Moustache mood ring? Hot pink socks with little moustaches?) But she's a teenager now, I guess we aren't supposed to understand!
Very cute. I must say I have been very perplexed by this whole mustache thing. I just don't get it. Where did it come from?? I say this in complete seriousness, I wish I could understand it. It seems so, I don't know...kinda dirty...or I don't know maybe that is not the right word. Maybe I'm the one with the sick mind but it makes me think of that old bar mustache rides here. Ok I guess I have said enough. Help me lol.
I honestly don't know what is up with the moustache thing either, but my 15 year old is all into them. She even has a Miss Kitty with a moustache. I can't figure that one out. Looks like a fun party though and I have to agree that Boris in the PSS piece looks just like Stella! And the weight on Stella - a winter thing basically - they just need more exercise - like they get in the summer. Ask me how I know! Bailey was getting a beer belly until he went through a bout of some intestinal thing.
I had no idea that there was even a moustache fad going on - course I have no kids so am not hip to the latest LOL. You did a great job making such a fun party for your niece. Kudos!
Moustache lollipops? What a hoot! Bet she was happy that you made them.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the moustache!! lol
How cute... it is amazing how popular they are right now. Happy stitching...
Cupcakes with chocolate and peanut butter moustaches? Lucky niece!!
I teach high school ceramics and there was one girl who did moustaches on everything no matter what the project. She was a 7th Day Adventist so I don't think there was anything sinister behind it, lol!
Another great start Nikki. I need to get that chart. Love the moustaches and the cupcakes.
Haha, that's exactly what these teenage girls like! My 13 year old went crazy when we found the moustache print duct tape, she wants a belt out of it :)
Such a great aunt you are!
Borisella is a cutie! Wonder if Stella would do better with a weight control formula in winter? Pixie eats that all the time. One of her knees isn't so good, and the doctor insists that she stays below 10 pounds!
I like your new stitch and the mustache lollipops are yummy looking!
I've not heard of that craze in England! There is Movember, when men are sponsored to grow a moustache throughout November and shave it in December. It raises money for cancer research. The female equivalent is Fanuary (remember fanny means something different in the UK, we don't have hairy bums, not all of us anyway)
Boris does resemble Stella. That little face on the fabric makes me smile. I don't get the trend with moustaches-I hardly pay it any attention-I notice wedding parties love to do it as I see it in lots of wedding pic.
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