As the final Summer of Love giveaway--say it ain't so!--how is it that time marches on so quickly?--we have a collection of charts from the fabulous gals who bring you the Trilogy.
Heart in Hand: Wool Whimsy, Angelica * Let it Snow * Wee Chicken * 2001 Collectors Heart * Mother's Day Roundabout ** Bent Creek: Posey Angel * Wooly Ewe ** Twisted Threads: Itty Bitty Trio of Hearts * Fishing Fools ** Trilogy: Blossom
Note that last one was finished on my honeymoon, when we got socked in with fog and had to wait for the float plane to be able to take off. I may have doodled on the pattern. (Socked in with fog a whole extra day!)
To win, tell me what you'd do if you were socked in with fog. If you link back to this post, I'll give you a second entry. Drawing Tuesday.
I just had to comment...I love fog hence the blog name and locale. When it's foggy and dreary...I stitch and zone out with tv. On occasion, I go to the beach which is even foggier where I live and just breathe the salty air and listen to the foghorns. I also have a bag that has a book and a project with me at all times in case I get stuck anywhere.
I'll pass on the giveaway! Thanks though.
I can honestly say I have never been "socked in with fog". But if I was I would probably stitch one of these wonderful charts I won in this giveaway!
Thanks for entering me...I'll post a link in my blogs sidebar.
I love to cozy up with a good book on a foggy day. I would love to be entered into your drawing!
Well, stitch of course!
I've never experienced being socked in by fog before though. I have had to take extra time getting to work in the morning, but always just had to push through it.
Fog to me implies cold and damp, so I would want to curl up someplace cozy and warm, maybe with a fire in a fireplace, and read or stitch or nap.
Strangely, my only real experiences with "fog" were the June Glooms in southern California.
Please don't enter me.
Foggy usually means cold and wet, so I am drinking tea and either reading or stitching. I would love to be entered in you drawing.
Hopefully I wouid have brought along a good book to read!
Who's fogged in with me? Certain family members? Only one of us would come out alive. My husand? No stitching. All alone, stitching, reading, napping. All the things we dream about doing if we had an extra day. Love the patterns, so yes, enter me.
Every time it gets fog I can't help but think of that Steven King story. Yuck.
If I was stuck indoors because of fog, I would probably read or knit.
Great giveaway, btw!
Socked in on my honeymoon? What would I do? okay, I know that you guys were together forever before you tied the knot, but do you actually have to ask what I'd be doing in that situation? ;0
What do you think you do while you are socked in with fog on your honeymoon, silly? ; )
You will never by "socked in by fog" in Singapore. But if I am "socked in by rain", I would be make myself a cup of hot chocolate and cuddle in the sofa with a good book.
I would love to enter your giveaway, thank you.
The following would happen during my dream day if I were kept inside by fog. I'd like a fire in the fireplace, a handsome husband bringing me hot steaming mugs of coffee with the occasional chocolate chip cookie. The children would be playing together quietly, and I would have numerous projects new and old from which to choose to work on. Stitching, knitting, crochet and a new love - English Paper Piecing. Said handsome husband would also cook dinner and do all of the dishes afterwards. :le sigh:
I would also like to throw my name in the bowl please - lovely giveaway! Thank you.
Ah, socked in with fog. Been there many times. This time of year we get lots of fog as the air temp is cooler than the water. I usually find it a perfect time to call my BFF Beatrice and she and I get a serious case of numb butt as we stitch the day away.
Please throw my name in the giveaway.
I love fog! The thicker the better so that I can pretend I'm all alone. I would cozy up on the couch with my blankie and my stitching and a hot cup of tea, and either a scary DVD or audiobook to take advantage of the atmosphere,
I live on the coast where fog is an almost daily occurrence. The store where I work has nice big windows that allow us to watch the fog advance and retreat off the Bay of Fundy. Fog does not warrant special behaviour from me. The fog happens so often that my brother's ball team has learned how to watch a ball go up into the fog at the ballfield and be able to stand right under where the ball will come out of the fog to catch it!
Panic! The one time this happened to me, I was flying from Houghton, MI to Ann Arbor to visit my boyfriend. A complete stranger was renting a car to drive to Marquette, further east in the UP and less likely to be fogged in. I pleaded for a ride (he was an executive of the airline, so I didn't feel like I was taking TOO much of a risk). I arrived in Ann Arbor, had a lovely week, and left no longer a girlfriend, but a fiancee.
Carol S.
We have tule fog here in California's central valley and there were a few days I had to go in late to work because you could NOT see one foot in front of your car to drive.
I figure a foggy day means a nice cup of tea, a snuggly blanket with your cat and a good book.
Of course if I lived near the ocean I would definitely walk along the beach instead!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
Have a good holiday :)
I guess ir's comparable to being snowbound. If I were socked in alone by fog, I'd make some hot chocolate and curl up with a good book.
If socked in with family, I'd make cocoa and popcorn and get out a DVD.
I put a link to this on my blog.
Socked in with fog?!?! I don't know what I would do. Stitch, read, watch the tele...or more likely than not, deliver flowers, lol!
I will be putting a link to this on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity!
When it's foggy and dreary I like to stay home and stitch, nap, read and then start over. lol.
Most of the time though I have to drive to work which I would rather not do.
I would love to be entered in your drawing.
I would do what I do when we're stuck in during a blizzard. Throw on a sweater and sit under a blanket while I stitch and watch a marathon of the original Star Wars trilogy. Hot chocolate would more than likely be involved. Of course, my kids would need to be sedated...
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