Thursday, October 20, 2005

SBQ: Big and Little

Here's a new answer to an old SBQ.

What's the largest project you've ever done? What's the smallest?
The largest prject I've ever done was the afghan. I hope to find my zip disk in the coming weeks, and I'll put a picture up for those of you who haven't seen it. It's Maureen Appleton (Heart's Content) Floral Afghan; I did this for my mother's 60th birthday. Despite the fact I started it four years before the big celebration, it took me 4 more months to finish, so 4 years and 4 months total (with many interruptions in the early phases of stitching).

The smallest is harder to think may be Rae Iverson's (Moss Creek) button hole stitch flower (pictured above). Yes, those blue things next to the quarter are buttonhole stitch. You can't tell, but they are separate from the ground fabric. When we unpack the magnifying lamp from storage, I may try to finish it. First, I have to buy a house!

1 comment:

Lelia said...

What a beautiful afghan pattern. I don't think I've ever seen it before. I'm working on an afghan square today (since the weather has cooled). Awesome small, too! Ity Bitty thing.

enjoy the week-end.