
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Still Standing

I'm sorry to have abandoned you. This getting up early three days a week to go to work is taking a lot out of me! The campus is beautiful. (It's an arboretum!) I've spent considerable time on urban campuses (since 1991), so it's a delight to be somewhere where you can, say, hear a woodpecker on the way into the office. The people are really nice, and I've come up to speed pretty quickly. I've been enjoying it.

I've also been using getting back to the blog as a reward for finishing the taxes...which I've been avoiding. Rest assured they are completed, and I have settled my accounts with the governments.

Friday stitching was a packed house with a lot of the usual suspects and a couple of newbies. We had two letters from one of the former members, the young grad student who moved home after receiving M.A. in order to fix flutes. The good news (to her) is that she is off to a PhD program. (More power to her, but forgive my cynicism.) They're very supportive of our young friend, but it's funny trying to explain graduate study to old ladies. We settled on talking about the weather the young Georgian will be facing up in Boston.

My neighbor, a widow, was telling me about this couple she used to go to breakfast with. Seems the man is now a widower, who has asked her out to breakfast again. She's not interested. I gave her my mother's advice to her children, "it's just a date, you don't have to marry him." But she thought he might be like this other fellow who bragged to his friends about how quickly he could get someone into bed although "those aren't the words he used!"

I couldn't help but tell her bestpal's mother's (also a widow) words of wisdom, "Women mourn; men replace." Another widow overheard and soon there was much laughter and yet another exclamation of "I love Fridays!"

I've been working on Star Light Star Bright by Little by Little. I am stitching with the prescribed DMC and fabric. I adore the colors on this one. So fun and bright!


  1. So funny to hear talk of older men and older women. So similar to my experiences with my dad!

    Love your new piece and can't wait to see it progress.

  2. Sorry to hear that the early mornings are taking it out of you - I'm not an early morning person either so I can understand that.

    Your Friday's sound like so much fun!!! And your piece is darling so far.

  3. Early morning wake ups are killer. By the end of the week, I am exhausted and am almost always, late for work on Friday. Thursdays too, on occasion - okay, almost always.

    I do think it's true about men replacing but love that it sparked laughter and a fun friday with your old ladies!

    The colors on SLSB are so cheerful and fun and so is the fabric color, which looks sort of blue on my monitor.

  4. I love the piece your working on. Such fun colors.


  5. Star Light Star Bright is coming along great and I guess that dating thing never changes, it's the same whether you're young or older.

  6. Here's my favourite one "You have to kiss alot of frogs before you find your prince".

    I'm not a morning person either, none of us are. I'm the only one who wants her children to do the afternoon sessions at preschool rather than the mornings!
