Friday, October 12, 2007

Knitting Decisions

I had asked for ideas about what to do for my mom with that scrumptious yarn she bought for me to knit. Finally, I asked her what she wanted, and she thought I could make a vest out of it. Um, vest? One skein? I was thinking I could use the color for the front and do the back in black ("Back in Black" now running through head. Must hum "Smoke on the Water.")
A couple of days later she called me. "I saw this cowl thing you can make from the yarn."
"Sort of like a scarf knit as a tube?"
"Yeah, you could make me one of those."
I'll think about it. I might be able to make her something in beading or applique class, and then the yarn can wait until after Christmas and not cause me so much stress.

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