Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Goodbye, Maggie


March 13, 1922 - July 2, 2024

(Click on the Maggie Monday label to read more about this fireball.)


Anonymous said...

Nikki, I am so sorry for your loss. I know Maggie was a big presence in your life and you will miss her greatly.

Linda said...

Hi. So sorry for your loss.


Ann said...

So very sorry to hear that Maggie has passed. I loved reading your blog for the stitching reports--but have to admit, I was always happy when you had a Maggie story to tell. I know how much she meant to you, and the memories she has given you will last forever.

Pamela said...

My condolences. I, too, looked forward to the posts about Maggie! What a character!

jhm said...

Sorry to hear about Maggie but enjoyed seeing you post again. Please keep it up. Would love to hear from you.